

4 updated resources


  • endpoints/serviceConfigurations

      Display: endpoints/serviceConfigurations  ⟶  serviceconfigurations


      • Display: ServiceConfigurations_ListByEndpointResource  ⟶  Get/List serviceConfigurations

        Description: API to enumerate registered services in service configurations under a Endpoint Resource  ⟶  Get or list of serviceConfigurations to the endpoints resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/write  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/delete

        Display: ServiceConfigurations_CreateOrupdate  ⟶  Delete serviceConfigurations

        Description: Create or update a service in serviceConfiguration for the endpoint resource.  ⟶  Deletes the serviceConfigurations access to the endpoints resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/read  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/write

        Display: ServiceConfigurations_Get  ⟶  Create/Update serviceConfiguration

        Description: Gets the details about the service to the resource.  ⟶  Create or update the serviceConfigurations to the endpoints resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/delete

        Display: ServiceConfigurations_Delete

        Description: Deletes the service details to the target resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/write

        Display: ServiceConfigurations_Update

        Description: Update the service details in the service configurations of the target resource.

  • endpoints


      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/write  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listIngressGatewayCredentials/action

        Display: Endpoints_Update  ⟶  List ingress gateway credentials for endpoint access

        Description: Update the endpoint to the target resource.  ⟶  List the ingress gateway access credentials to the resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/delete  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listCredentials/action

        Display: Endpoints_Delete  ⟶  List credentials for endpoint access

        Description: Deletes the endpoint access to the target resource.  ⟶  List the endpoint access credentials to the resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/read  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/write

        Display: Endpoints_Get  ⟶  Create/Update endpoint

        Description: Gets the endpoint to the resource.  ⟶  Create or update the endpoint to the target resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listCredentials/action  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listManagedProxyDetails/action

        Display: Endpoints_ListCredentials  ⟶  List managed proxy details for endpoint access

        Description: Gets the endpoint access credentials to the resource.  ⟶  List the managed proxy details to the resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/write  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/delete

        Display: Endpoints_CreateOrUpdate  ⟶  Delete endpoint

        Description: Create or update the endpoint to the target resource.  ⟶  Deletes the endpoint access to the target resource.

      • Display: Endpoints_List  ⟶  Get/List endpoints

        Description: List of endpoints to the target resource.  ⟶  Get or list of endpoints to the target resource.

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listIngressGatewayCredentials/action

        Display: Endpoints_ListIngressGatewayCredentials

        Description: Gets the ingress gateway endpoint credentials

      • Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listManagedProxyDetails/action

        Display: Endpoints_ListManagedProxyDetails

        Description: Fetches the managed proxy details

  • operations

      Name: Operations  ⟶  operations


        Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/Operations/read  ⟶  Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/operations/read

        Display: read_Operations  ⟶  Get operations

        Description: read Operations  ⟶  Get the list of Operations

  • Locations/OperationStatuses


        Name: Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/Locations/OperationStatuses/write

        Display: write_OperationStatuses

        Description: write OperationStatuses