▼ ▲ locations/connectedenvironmentoperationresults
Name: locations/connectedenvironmentoperationresults ⟶ connectedenvironments
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments
Name: connectedenvironments
Display: Connected Environment
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/join/action
Display: Join Connected Environment
Description: Allows to create a Container App or Container Apps Job in a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/checknameavailability/action
Display: Check Connected Environment Name Availability
Description: Check reource name availability for a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment
Description: Create or update a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment
Description: Delete a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/read
Display: Read Connected Environment
Description: Get a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ locations/connectedenvironmentoperationstatuses
Name: locations/connectedenvironmentoperationstatuses
Display: Connected Environment
Name: microsoft.app/locations/connectedenvironmentoperationstatuses/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Operation Status
Description: Get a Connected Environment Long Running Operation Status
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/storages
Name: connectedenvironments/storages
Display: Connected Environment Storage
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Storage.
Description: Get storage for a Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/write
Display: Create or Update a Connected Environment Storage.
Description: Create or Update a storage of Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/delete
Display: Delete a Connected Environment Storage
Description: Delete a storage of Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/daprcomponents
Name: connectedenvironments/daprcomponents
Display: Connected Environment Dapr Component
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Create or Update Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Read Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Delete Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/listsecrets/action
Display: List Dapr Component Secrets
Description: List Secrets of a Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/certificates
Name: connectedenvironments/certificates
Display: Certificate
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment Certificate
Description: Create or update a Connected Environment Certificate
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Certificate
Description: Get a Connected Environment's Certificate
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment's Certificate
Description: Delete a Connected Environment's Certificate
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments
Name: connectedenvironments
Display: Connected Environment
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/join/action
Display: Join Connected Environment
Description: Allows to create a Container App or Container Apps Job in a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/checknameavailability/action
Display: Check Connected Environment Name Availability
Description: Check reource name availability for a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment
Description: Create or update a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment
Description: Delete a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/read
Display: Read Connected Environment
Description: Get a Connected Environment
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ locations/connectedenvironmentoperationresults
Name: locations/connectedenvironmentoperationresults
Display: Connected Environment
Name: microsoft.app/locations/connectedenvironmentoperationresults/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Operation Result
Description: Get a Connected Environment Long Running Operation Result
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/storages
Name: connectedenvironments/storages
Display: Connected Environment Storage
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Storage.
Description: Get storage for a Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/write
Display: Create or Update a Connected Environment Storage.
Description: Create or Update a storage of Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/storages/delete
Display: Delete a Connected Environment Storage
Description: Delete a storage of Connected Environment.
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/daprcomponents
Name: connectedenvironments/daprcomponents
Display: Connected Environment Dapr Component
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Create or Update Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Read Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment Dapr Component
Description: Delete Connected Environment Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/daprcomponents/listsecrets/action
Display: List Dapr Component Secrets
Description: List Secrets of a Dapr Component
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments/certificates
Name: connectedenvironments/certificates
Display: Certificate
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/write
Display: Create or Update Connected Environment Certificate
Description: Create or update a Connected Environment Certificate
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/read
Display: Read Connected Environment Certificate
Description: Get a Connected Environment's Certificate
Origin: user, system
Name: microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/certificates/delete
Display: Delete Connected Environment's Certificate
Description: Delete a Connected Environment's Certificate
Origin: user, system
▼ ▲ connectedenvironments
Name: connectedenvironments ⟶ locations/connectedenvironmentoperationstatuses