

12 new resources | 1 updated operation, 10 updated resources


  • clusters/operationresults

      Name: clusters/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

  • clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Name: clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

  • locations/operationresults

      Name: locations/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

  • locations/quotas

      Name: locations/quotas

      Display: Stream Analytics Subscription Quota


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

  • operations

      Name: operations

      Display: Stream Analytics Operations


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operations

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operations

  • streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Function


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

  • streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Input


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

  • streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Name: streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Display: Metric Definitions


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read

        Display: Read Metric Definitions

        Description: Read Metric Definitions

  • streamingjobs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

  • streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Output


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Name: streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Display: streamingjobs


      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read

        Display: Read diagnostic setting.

        Description: Read diagnostic setting.

      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write

        Display: Write diagnostic setting.

        Description: Write diagnostic setting.

  • streamingjobs/Skus

      Name: streamingjobs/Skus

      Display: Stream Analytics Job SKUs


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs


  • Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action

      Display: Registrovat předplatné u Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      Description: Registrovat předplatné u Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider

  • streamingjobs/inputs

      Display: Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Input


      • Display: Odstranit Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Odstranit Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Číst Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Číst Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Ukázka Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Sample Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Ukázka Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Sample Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Test Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Test Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Psát Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Psát Vstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Input

  • streamingjobs/outputs

      Display: Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Output


      • Display: Odstranit Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Odstranit Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Číst Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Číst Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Test Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Test Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Psát Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Psát Výstup úlohy ve Stream Analytic  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Output

  • clusters/privateEndpoints

      Display: Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint


      • Display: Odstranit Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Odstranit Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

      • Display: Číst Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Číst Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

      • Display: Psát Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Psát Privátní koncový bod clusteru Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

  • locations

      Display: Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Resource Provider


      • Display: Kompilovaný dotaz pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Kompilovaný dotaz pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Ukázkový vstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Ukázkový vstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Testovací vstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Testovací vstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Testovací výstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Testovací výstup pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Testovat dotaz pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Testovat dotaz pro Poskytovatel prostředku Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

  • streamingjobs/functions

      Display: Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Function


      • Display: Odstranit Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Odstranit Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Číst Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Číst Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Načíst výchozí definici pro: Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Načíst výchozí definici pro: Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Test Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Test Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Psát Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Psát Funkce úlohy Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Function

  • streamingjobs/transformations

      Display: Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Transformation


      • Display: Odstranit Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Odstranit Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation

      • Display: Číst Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Číst Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation

      • Display: Psát Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Psát Transformace úlohy ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation

  • streamingjobs

      Display: Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job


      • Display: Kompilovaný dotaz pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Kompilovaný dotaz pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Odstranit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Odstranit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Stáhnout diagramy úloh pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Stáhnout diagramy úloh pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Generovat topologie pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Generovat topologie pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Publikovat hraniční balíček pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Publikovat hraniční balíček pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Číst Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Číst Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Měřítko Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Scale Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Měřítko Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Scale Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Spustit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Start Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Spustit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Start Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Zastavit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stop Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Zastavit Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stop Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Testovat dotaz pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Testovat dotaz pro Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Psát Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Psát Úloha ve Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job

  • clusters

      Display: Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Cluster


      • Display: Odstranit Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Odstranit Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Vypsat úlohy streamování pro Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Vypsat úlohy streamování pro Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Číst Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Číst Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Psát Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Psát Cluster Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions

      Display: Definice protokolu pro streamingjobs  ⟶  The log definition of streamingjobs


        Display: Číst definice protokolu pro streamingjobs  ⟶  Read streamingjobs log definitions

        Description: Získá dostupné protokoly pro streamingjobs.  ⟶  Gets the available logs for streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Provedení', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Vytváření obsahu', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}  ⟶  {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execution', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Authoring', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions

      Display: Definice metriky pro streamingjobs  ⟶  The metric definition of streamingjobs


        Display: Číst definice metriky pro streamingjobs  ⟶  Read streamingjobs metric definitions

        Description: Získá dostupné metriky pro streamingjobs.  ⟶  Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'Procento využití SU (paměti)', 'displayDescription': 'Procento využití SU (paměti)', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Vstupní události', 'displayDescription': 'Vstupní události', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Bajty vstupních událostí', 'displayDescription': 'Bajty vstupních událostí', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Pozdní vstupní události', 'displayDescription': 'Pozdní vstupní události', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Výstupní události', 'displayDescription': 'Výstupní události', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': 'Chyby převodu dat', 'displayDescription': 'Chyby převodu dat', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': 'Chyby za běhu', 'displayDescription': 'Chyby za běhu', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': 'Události mimo pořadí', 'displayDescription': 'Události mimo pořadí', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': 'Požadavky na funkce', 'displayDescription': 'Požadavky na funkce', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': 'Nezdařené požadavky na funkce', 'displayDescription': 'Nezdařené požadavky na funkce', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Události funkcí', 'displayDescription': 'Události funkcí', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': 'Chyby deserializace vstupu', 'displayDescription': 'Chyby deserializace vstupu', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Události předčasného vstupu', 'displayDescription': 'Události předčasného vstupu', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': 'Zpoždění vodoznaku', 'displayDescription': 'Zpoždění vodoznaku', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logický název', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID oddílu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instance logického názvu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Název uzlu', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'Využití procesoru (%)', 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