

12 new resources | 1 updated operation, 10 updated resources


  • clusters/operationresults

      Name: clusters/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

  • clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Name: clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

  • locations/operationresults

      Name: locations/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

  • locations/quotas

      Name: locations/quotas

      Display: Stream Analytics Subscription Quota


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

  • operations

      Name: operations

      Display: Stream Analytics Operations


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operations

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operations

  • streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Function


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

  • streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Input


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

  • streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Name: streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Display: Metric Definitions


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read

        Display: Read Metric Definitions

        Description: Read Metric Definitions

  • streamingjobs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

  • streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Output


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Name: streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Display: streamingjobs


      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read

        Display: Read diagnostic setting.

        Description: Read diagnostic setting.

      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write

        Display: Write diagnostic setting.

        Description: Write diagnostic setting.

  • streamingjobs/Skus

      Name: streamingjobs/Skus

      Display: Stream Analytics Job SKUs


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs


  • Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action

      Display: Registar subscrição em Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      Description: Registar subscrição em Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider

  • streamingjobs/functions

      Display: Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Function


      • Display: Eliminar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Eliminar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Ler Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Ler Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Obter a predefinição de um Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Obter a predefinição de um Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Testar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Testar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Function

      • Display: Escrever Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Escrever Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Function

  • streamingjobs/transformations

      Display: Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Transformation


      • Display: Eliminar Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Eliminar Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation

      • Display: Ler Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Ler Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation

      • Display: Escrever Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation

        Description: Escrever Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation

  • clusters/privateEndpoints

      Display: Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint


      • Display: Eliminar Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Eliminar Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

      • Display: Ler Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Ler Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

      • Display: Escrever Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Escrever Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions

      Display: A definição de registo de streamingjobs  ⟶  The log definition of streamingjobs


        Display: Ler streamingjobs definições de registo  ⟶  Read streamingjobs log definitions

        Description: Obtém os registos disponíveis para streamingjobs  ⟶  Gets the available logs for streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execução', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Criação de conteúdos', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}  ⟶  {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execution', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Authoring', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}

  • clusters

      Display: Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Cluster


      • Display: Eliminar Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Eliminar Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Listar tarefas de transmissão em fluxo para Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Listar tarefas de transmissão em fluxo para Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Ler Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Ler Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Cluster

      • Display: Escrever Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Escrever Cluster do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Cluster

  • streamingjobs

      Display: Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job


      • Display: Compilar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Compilar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Eliminar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Eliminar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Transferir diagramas de tarefa para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Transferir diagramas de tarefa para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Gerar topologias para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Gerar topologias para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Publicar pacote do Edge para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Publicar pacote do Edge para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Ler Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Ler Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Dimensionar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Scale Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Dimensionar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Scale Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Iniciar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Start Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Iniciar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Start Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Parar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stop Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Parar Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stop Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Testar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Testar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Job

      • Display: Escrever Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Escrever Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job

  • streamingjobs/outputs

      Display: Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Output


      • Display: Eliminar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Eliminar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Ler Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Ler Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Testar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Testar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Output

      • Display: Escrever Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Escrever Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Output

  • streamingjobs/inputs

      Display: Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Job Input


      • Display: Eliminar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Eliminar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Delete Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Ler Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Ler Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Read Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Exemplo Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Exemplo Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Testar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Testar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Stream Analytics Job Input

      • Display: Escrever Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Escrever Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Write Stream Analytics Job Input

  • locations

      Display: Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Stream Analytics Resource Provider


      • Display: Compilar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Compilar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Entrada de Exemplo para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Entrada de Exemplo para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Entrada de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Entrada de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Saída de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Saída de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

      • Display: Testar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

        Description: Testar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics  ⟶  Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions

      Display: A definição de métrica de streamingjobs  ⟶  The metric definition of streamingjobs


        Display: Ler streamingjobs definições de métrica  ⟶  Read streamingjobs metric definitions

        Description: Obtém métricas disponíveis para streamingjobs  ⟶  Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': '% de Utilização de SU (Memória)', 'displayDescription': '% de Utilização de SU (Memória)', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Entrada', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Entrada', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Bytes de Evento de Entrada', 'displayDescription': 'Bytes de Evento de Entrada', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Entrada atrasados', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Entrada atrasados', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Saída', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Saída', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': 'Erros de Conversão de Dados', 'displayDescription': 'Erros de Conversão de Dados', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': 'Erros de Tempo de Execução', 'displayDescription': 'Erros de Tempo de Execução', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos desordenados', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos desordenados', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': 'Pedidos de Função', 'displayDescription': 'Pedidos de Função', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': 'Falha no pedido de funções', 'displayDescription': 'Falha no pedido de funções', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Função', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Função', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': 'Erros de Desserialização de entrada', 'displayDescription': 'Erros de Desserialização de entrada', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Entrada Antigos', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Entrada Antigos', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': 'Atraso de Marca de Água', 'displayDescription': 'Atraso de Marca de Água', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': '% de Utilização da CPU', 'displayDescription': '% de Utilização da CPU', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Entrada Pendentes', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Entrada Pendentes', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': 'Origens de Entrada Recebidas', 'displayDescription': 'Origens de Entrada Recebidas', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}}  ⟶  {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Input Event Bytes', 'displayDescription': 'Input Event Bytes', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Late Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Late Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Output Events', 'displayDescription': 'Output Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': 'Runtime Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Runtime Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': 'Out of order Events', 'displayDescription': 'Out of order Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': 'Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': 'Failed Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Failed Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Function Events', 'displayDescription': 'Function Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Early Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Early Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': 'Watermark Delay', 'displayDescription': 'Watermark Delay', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'CPU % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'CPU % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': 'Input Sources Received', 'displayDescription': 'Input Sources Received', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}}

1 updated operation, 10 updated resources | 12 removed resources


  • Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action

      Display: Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Registar subscrição em Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

      Description: Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Registar subscrição em Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

  • clusters/privateEndpoints

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Eliminar Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Eliminar Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Ler Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Ler Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Escrever Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint  ⟶  Escrever Stream Analytics de Ponto Final Privado de Cluster

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions

      Display: The log definition of streamingjobs  ⟶  A definição de registo de streamingjobs


        Display: Read streamingjobs log definitions  ⟶  Ler streamingjobs definições de registo

        Description: Gets the available logs for streamingjobs  ⟶  Obtém os registos disponíveis para streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execution', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Authoring', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}  ⟶  {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execução', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Criação de conteúdos', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}

  • streamingjobs/transformations

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Eliminar Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Eliminar Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Ler Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Ler Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Escrever Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation  ⟶  Escrever Transformação da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

  • streamingjobs/outputs

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Eliminar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Eliminar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Ler Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Ler Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Testar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Testar Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Escrever Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Job Output  ⟶  Escrever Saída da Tarefa do Stream Analytics

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions

      Display: The metric definition of streamingjobs  ⟶  A definição de métrica de streamingjobs


        Display: Read streamingjobs metric definitions  ⟶  Ler streamingjobs definições de métrica

        Description: Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs  ⟶  Obtém métricas disponíveis para streamingjobs

        Properties: {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Input Event Bytes', 'displayDescription': 'Input Event Bytes', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Late Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Late Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Output Events', 'displayDescription': 'Output Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, 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Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': '% de Utilização da CPU', 'displayDescription': '% de Utilização da CPU', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': 'Eventos de Entrada Pendentes', 'displayDescription': 'Eventos de Entrada Pendentes', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': 'Origens de Entrada Recebidas', 'displayDescription': 'Origens de Entrada Recebidas', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'ID da partição', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Instância de Nome Lógico', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Nome do Nó', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}}

  • locations

      Display: Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Compilar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

        Description: Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Compilar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Entrada de Exemplo para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

        Description: Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Entrada de Exemplo para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Entrada de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Entrada de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Saída de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Saída de Teste para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Testar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider  ⟶  Testar Consulta para Fornecedor de Recursos do Stream Analytics

  • streamingjobs

      Display: Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Tarefa do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Compilar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Compilar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Eliminar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Eliminar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Transferir diagramas de tarefa para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Transferir diagramas de tarefa para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Gerar topologias para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Gerar topologias para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Publicar pacote do Edge para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Publicar pacote do Edge para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Ler Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Ler Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Scale Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Dimensionar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Scale Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Dimensionar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Start Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Iniciar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Start Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Iniciar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Stop Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Parar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Stop Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Parar Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Query for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Testar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Query for Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Testar Consulta para Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Escrever Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Job  ⟶  Escrever Tarefa do Stream Analytics

  • streamingjobs/functions

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Eliminar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Eliminar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Ler Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Ler Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Obter a predefinição de um Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Obter a predefinição de um Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Testar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Testar Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Escrever Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Job Function  ⟶  Escrever Função de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

  • streamingjobs/inputs

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Eliminar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Eliminar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Ler Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Ler Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Sample Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Exemplo Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Sample Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Exemplo Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Test Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Testar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Test Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Testar Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Escrever Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Job Input  ⟶  Escrever Entrada de Tarefa do Stream Analytics

  • clusters

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Cluster do Stream Analytics


      • Display: Delete Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Eliminar Cluster do Stream Analytics

        Description: Delete Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Eliminar Cluster do Stream Analytics

      • Display: List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Listar tarefas de transmissão em fluxo para Cluster do Stream Analytics

        Description: List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Listar tarefas de transmissão em fluxo para Cluster do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Read Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Ler Cluster do Stream Analytics

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Ler Cluster do Stream Analytics

      • Display: Write Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Escrever Cluster do Stream Analytics

        Description: Write Stream Analytics Cluster  ⟶  Escrever Cluster do Stream Analytics


  • clusters/operationresults

      Name: clusters/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster

  • clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Name: clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint

  • locations/operationresults

      Name: locations/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operation Result

  • locations/quotas

      Name: locations/quotas

      Display: Stream Analytics Subscription Quota


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota

  • operations

      Name: operations

      Display: Stream Analytics Operations


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Operations

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Operations

  • streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/functions/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Function


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function

  • streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Input


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input

  • streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Name: streamingjobs/metricdefinitions

      Display: Metric Definitions


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read

        Display: Read Metric Definitions

        Description: Read Metric Definitions

  • streamingjobs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job

  • streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Name: streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults

      Display: Stream Analytics Job Output


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read

        Display: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

        Description: Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output

  • streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Name: streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Display: streamingjobs


      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read

        Display: Read diagnostic setting.

        Description: Read diagnostic setting.

      • Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write

        Display: Write diagnostic setting.

        Description: Write diagnostic setting.

  • streamingjobs/Skus

      Name: streamingjobs/Skus

      Display: Stream Analytics Job SKUs


        Name: Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read

        Display: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs

        Description: Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs