

1 removed resource


  • apiCollections

      Name : apiCollections

      Display : apiCollections

      Operations :

      • Name : Microsoft.ApiSecurity/apiCollections/read

        Display : V3APICollectionOnboardingState_Get

        Description : Determine whether an APIM API Collection is onboarded to Defender for APIs. If the APIM API Collection is onboarded to Defender for APIs, the system will monitor the APIs within the APIM API Collection for intrusive behaviors and provide alerts for attacks that have been detected.

      • Name : Microsoft.ApiSecurity/apiCollections/write

        Display : V3APICollectionOnboarding_Create

        Description : Onboard an APIM API Collection to Defender for APIs. The system will start monitoring the APIs within the APIM API Collection for intrusive behaviors and provide alerts for attacks that have been detected.

      • Name : Microsoft.ApiSecurity/apiCollections/delete

        Display : V3APICollectionOffboarding_Delete

        Description : Offboard an APIM API Collection from Defender for APIs. The system will stop monitoring the APIs within the APIM API Collection for intrusive behaviors.