

2 new resources


  • galleries/remoteContainerImages

      Name: galleries/remoteContainerImages

      Display: GalleryRemoteContainerImages


      • Name: Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/read

        Display: Read Gallery Remote Container Image

        Description: Gets the properties of Gallery Remote Container Image

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/write

        Display: Create or Update Gallery Remote Container Image

        Description: Creates a new Gallery Remote Container Image or updates an existing one

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/delete

        Display: Delete Gallery Remote Container Image

        Description: Deletes the Gallery Remote Container Image

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/beginGetAccess/action

        Display: Get Gallery Remote Container Image SAS URI

        Description: Get the SAS URI of the Gallery Remote Container Image for blob access

        Origin: user,system

  • locations/edgeZones/vmimages

      Name: locations/edgeZones/vmimages

      Display: Platform Image Versions in an edge zone


        Name: Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/vmimages/read

        Display: Get all Platform Image Version in an edge zone across publishers

        Description: Get the properties of Platform Image Version in an edge zone across publishers

        Origin: user,system