▼ ▲ clusters/operationresults
Name : clusters/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster
▼ ▲ clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults
Name : clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
▼ ▲ locations/operationresults
Name : locations/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Operation Result
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Operation Result
Description : Read Stream Analytics Operation Result
▼ ▲ locations/quotas
Name : locations/quotas
Display : Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
Description : Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
▼ ▲ operations
Name : operations
Display : Stream Analytics Operations
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Operations
Description : Read Stream Analytics Operations
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/functions/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/functions/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Function
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Input
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/metricdefinitions
Name : streamingjobs/metricdefinitions
Display : Metric Definitions
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read
Display : Read Metric Definitions
Description : Read Metric Definitions
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Output
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings
Name : streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings
Display : streamingjobs
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read
Display : Read diagnostic setting.
Description : Read diagnostic setting.
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write
Display : Write diagnostic setting.
Description : Write diagnostic setting.
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/Skus
Name : streamingjobs/Skus
Display : Stream Analytics Job SKUs
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs
▼ ▲ Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action
Display : 訂用帳戶註冊對象: 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 訂用帳戶註冊對象: 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/outputs
Display : 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Stream Analytics Job Output
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : 刪除 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Output
Display : 讀取 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : 讀取 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Output
Display : 測試 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : 測試 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Output
Display : 寫入 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : 寫入 串流分析工作輸出 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Output
▼ ▲ streamingjobs
Display : 串流分析工作 ⟶ Stream Analytics Job
Operations :
Display : 編譯查詢於 串流分析工作 ⟶ Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job
Description : 編譯查詢於 串流分析工作 ⟶ Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job
Display : 刪除 串流分析工作 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job
Description : 刪除 串流分析工作 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job
Display : 下載以下項目的工作圖表 串流分析工作 ⟶ Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job
Description : 下載以下項目的工作圖表 串流分析工作 ⟶ Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job
Display : 產生下列項目的拓撲 串流分析工作 ⟶ Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job
Description : 產生下列項目的拓撲 串流分析工作 ⟶ Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job
Display : 發佈 Edge 套件: 串流分析工作 ⟶ Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job
Description : 發佈 Edge 套件: 串流分析工作 ⟶ Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job
Display : 讀取 串流分析工作 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job
Description : 讀取 串流分析工作 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job
Display : 調整 串流分析工作 ⟶ Scale Stream Analytics Job
Description : 調整 串流分析工作 ⟶ Scale Stream Analytics Job
Display : 開始 串流分析工作 ⟶ Start Stream Analytics Job
Description : 開始 串流分析工作 ⟶ Start Stream Analytics Job
Display : 停止 串流分析工作 ⟶ Stop Stream Analytics Job
Description : 停止 串流分析工作 ⟶ Stop Stream Analytics Job
Display : 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析工作 ⟶ Test Query for Stream Analytics Job
Description : 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析工作 ⟶ Test Query for Stream Analytics Job
Display : 寫入 串流分析工作 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job
Description : 寫入 串流分析工作 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/functions
Display : 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Stream Analytics Job Function
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : 刪除 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Function
Display : 讀取 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : 讀取 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Function
Display : 擷取下列項目的預設定義: 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : 擷取下列項目的預設定義: 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function
Display : 測試 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : 測試 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Function
Display : 寫入 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : 寫入 串流分析作業函數 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Function
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions
Display : streamingjobs 度量定義 ⟶ The metric definition of streamingjobs
Operations :
Display : 讀取 streamingjobs 度量定義 ⟶ Read streamingjobs metric definitions
Description : 取得 streamingjobs 可用度量 ⟶ Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs
Properties : {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (記憶體) 使用率百分比', 'displayDescription': 'SU (記憶體) 使用率百分比', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': '輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': '輸入事件位元組', 'displayDescription': '輸入事件位元組', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': '延遲輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '延遲輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': '輸出事件', 'displayDescription': '輸出事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': '資料轉換錯誤', 'displayDescription': '資料轉換錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': '執行階段錯誤', 'displayDescription': '執行階段錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': '順序不正確的事件', 'displayDescription': '順序不正確的事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': '函數要求', 'displayDescription': '函數要求', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': '失敗的函數要求', 'displayDescription': '失敗的函數要求', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': '函數事件', 'displayDescription': '函數事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': '輸入還原序列化錯誤', 'displayDescription': '輸入還原序列化錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': '早期輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '早期輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': '浮水印延遲', 'displayDescription': '浮水印延遲', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'CPU % 使用率', 'displayDescription': 'CPU % 使用率', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': '待處理的輸入事件數', 'displayDescription': '待處理的輸入事件數', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': '收到的輸入來源數', 'displayDescription': '收到的輸入來源數', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}} ⟶ {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Input Event Bytes', 'displayDescription': 'Input Event Bytes', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Late Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Late Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Output Events', 'displayDescription': 'Output Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': 'Runtime Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Runtime Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': 'Out of order Events', 'displayDescription': 'Out of order Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': 'Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': 'Failed Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Failed Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Function Events', 'displayDescription': 'Function Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Early Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Early Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': 'Watermark Delay', 'displayDescription': 'Watermark Delay', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'CPU % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'CPU % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': 'Input Sources Received', 'displayDescription': 'Input Sources Received', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}}
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/transformations
Display : 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Description : 刪除 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Display : 讀取 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Description : 讀取 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Display : 寫入 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation
Description : 寫入 串流分析工作轉換 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation
▼ ▲ clusters/privateEndpoints
Display : 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Description : 刪除 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Display : 讀取 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Description : 讀取 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Display : 寫入 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Description : 寫入 串流分析叢集私人端點 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
▼ ▲ clusters
Display : 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Stream Analytics Cluster
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : 刪除 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Cluster
Display : 列出下列項目的串流作業: 串流分析叢集 ⟶ List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : 列出下列項目的串流作業: 串流分析叢集 ⟶ List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster
Display : 讀取 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : 讀取 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Cluster
Display : 寫入 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : 寫入 串流分析叢集 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Cluster
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/inputs
Display : 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Stream Analytics Job Input
Operations :
Display : 刪除 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : 刪除 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Delete Stream Analytics Job Input
Display : 讀取 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : 讀取 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Read Stream Analytics Job Input
Display : 樣本 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Sample Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : 樣本 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Sample Stream Analytics Job Input
Display : 測試 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : 測試 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Test Stream Analytics Job Input
Display : 寫入 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : 寫入 串流分析工作輸入 ⟶ Write Stream Analytics Job Input
▼ ▲ locations
Display : 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Operations :
Display : 編譯查詢於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 編譯查詢於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Display : 範例輸入於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 範例輸入於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Display : 測試輸入於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 測試輸入於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Display : 測試輸出於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 測試輸出於 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Display : 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
Description : 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析資源提供者 ⟶ Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions
Display : streamingjobs 記錄定義 ⟶ The log definition of streamingjobs
Operations :
Display : 讀取 streamingjobs 記錄定義 ⟶ Read streamingjobs log definitions
Description : 取得 streamingjobs 可用記錄 ⟶ Gets the available logs for streamingjobs
Properties : {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': '執行', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': '製作', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}} ⟶ {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execution', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Authoring', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}
▼ ▲ Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/Register/action
Display : Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 訂用帳戶註冊對象: 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Register subscription with Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 訂用帳戶註冊對象: 串流分析資源提供者
▼ ▲ locations
Display : Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 串流分析資源提供者
Operations :
Display : Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 編譯查詢於 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Compile Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 編譯查詢於 串流分析資源提供者
Display : Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 範例輸入於 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Sample Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 範例輸入於 串流分析資源提供者
Display : Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 測試輸入於 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Test Input for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 測試輸入於 串流分析資源提供者
Display : Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 測試輸出於 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Test Output for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 測試輸出於 串流分析資源提供者
Display : Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析資源提供者
Description : Test Query for Stream Analytics Resource Provider ⟶ 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析資源提供者
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/outputs
Display : Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 串流分析工作輸出
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作輸出
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作輸出
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作輸出
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作輸出
Display : Test Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 測試 串流分析工作輸出
Description : Test Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 測試 串流分析工作輸出
Display : Write Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作輸出
Description : Write Stream Analytics Job Output ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作輸出
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/transformations
Display : Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 串流分析工作轉換
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作轉換
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作轉換
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作轉換
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作轉換
Display : Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作轉換
Description : Write Stream Analytics Job Transformation ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作轉換
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/functions
Display : Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 串流分析作業函數
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 刪除 串流分析作業函數
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 刪除 串流分析作業函數
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 讀取 串流分析作業函數
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 讀取 串流分析作業函數
Display : Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 擷取下列項目的預設定義: 串流分析作業函數
Description : Retrieve Default Definition of a Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 擷取下列項目的預設定義: 串流分析作業函數
Display : Test Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 測試 串流分析作業函數
Description : Test Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 測試 串流分析作業函數
Display : Write Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 寫入 串流分析作業函數
Description : Write Stream Analytics Job Function ⟶ 寫入 串流分析作業函數
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/inputs
Display : Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 串流分析工作輸入
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作輸入
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作輸入
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作輸入
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作輸入
Display : Sample Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 樣本 串流分析工作輸入
Description : Sample Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 樣本 串流分析工作輸入
Display : Test Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 測試 串流分析工作輸入
Description : Test Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 測試 串流分析工作輸入
Display : Write Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作輸入
Description : Write Stream Analytics Job Input ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作輸入
▼ ▲ clusters
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 串流分析叢集
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 刪除 串流分析叢集
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 刪除 串流分析叢集
Display : List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 列出下列項目的串流作業: 串流分析叢集
Description : List streaming jobs for Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 列出下列項目的串流作業: 串流分析叢集
Display : Read Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 讀取 串流分析叢集
Description : Read Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 讀取 串流分析叢集
Display : Write Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 寫入 串流分析叢集
Description : Write Stream Analytics Cluster ⟶ 寫入 串流分析叢集
▼ ▲ clusters/privateEndpoints
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 串流分析叢集私人端點
Operations :
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 刪除 串流分析叢集私人端點
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 刪除 串流分析叢集私人端點
Display : Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 讀取 串流分析叢集私人端點
Description : Read Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 讀取 串流分析叢集私人端點
Display : Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 寫入 串流分析叢集私人端點
Description : Write Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint ⟶ 寫入 串流分析叢集私人端點
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions
Display : The metric definition of streamingjobs ⟶ streamingjobs 度量定義
Operations :
Display : Read streamingjobs metric definitions ⟶ 讀取 streamingjobs 度量定義
Description : Gets the available metrics for streamingjobs ⟶ 取得 streamingjobs 可用度量
Properties : {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'SU (Memory) % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': 'Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': 'Input Event Bytes', 'displayDescription': 'Input Event Bytes', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Late Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Late Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': 'Output Events', 'displayDescription': 'Output Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Data Conversion Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': 'Runtime Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Runtime Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': 'Out of order Events', 'displayDescription': 'Out of order Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': 'Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': 'Failed Function Requests', 'displayDescription': 'Failed Function Requests', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Function Events', 'displayDescription': 'Function Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'displayDescription': 'Input Deserialization Errors', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': 'Early Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Early Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': 'Watermark Delay', 'displayDescription': 'Watermark Delay', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'CPU % Utilization', 'displayDescription': 'CPU % Utilization', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'displayDescription': 'Backlogged Input Events', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': 'Input Sources Received', 'displayDescription': 'Input Sources Received', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': 'Logical Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': 'Partition ID', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': 'Logical Name Instance', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': 'Node Name', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}} ⟶ {'serviceSpecification': {'metricSpecifications': [{'name': 'ResourceUtilization', 'displayName': 'SU (記憶體) 使用率百分比', 'displayDescription': 'SU (記憶體) 使用率百分比', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEvents', 'displayName': '輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventBytes', 'displayName': '輸入事件位元組', 'displayDescription': '輸入事件位元組', 'unit': 'Bytes', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'LateInputEvents', 'displayName': '延遲輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '延遲輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputEvents', 'displayName': '輸出事件', 'displayDescription': '輸出事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ConversionErrors', 'displayName': '資料轉換錯誤', 'displayDescription': '資料轉換錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'Errors', 'displayName': '執行階段錯誤', 'displayDescription': '執行階段錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DroppedOrAdjustedEvents', 'displayName': '順序不正確的事件', 'displayDescription': '順序不正確的事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutRequests', 'displayName': '函數要求', 'displayDescription': '函數要求', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutFailedRequests', 'displayName': '失敗的函數要求', 'displayDescription': '失敗的函數要求', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'AMLCalloutInputEvents', 'displayName': '函數事件', 'displayDescription': '函數事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'DeserializationError', 'displayName': '輸入還原序列化錯誤', 'displayDescription': '輸入還原序列化錯誤', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'EarlyInputEvents', 'displayName': '早期輸入事件', 'displayDescription': '早期輸入事件', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds', 'displayName': '浮水印延遲', 'displayDescription': '浮水印延遲', 'unit': 'Seconds', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'ProcessCPUUsagePercentage', 'displayName': 'CPU % 使用率', 'displayDescription': 'CPU % 使用率', 'unit': 'Percent', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesBacklogged', 'displayName': '待處理的輸入事件數', 'displayDescription': '待處理的輸入事件數', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Maximum', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}, {'name': 'InputEventsSourcesPerSecond', 'displayName': '收到的輸入來源數', 'displayDescription': '收到的輸入來源數', 'unit': 'Count', 'aggregationType': 'Total', 'supportedAggregationTypes': ['Total'], 'availabilities': [{'timeGrain': 'PT1M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT30M', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'timeGrain': 'PT1H', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}], 'dimensions': [{'name': 'LogicalName', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'PartitionId', 'displayName': '分割區識別碼', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'ProcessorInstance', 'displayName': '邏輯名稱執行個體', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}, {'name': 'NodeName', 'displayName': '節點名稱', 'internalName': None, 'toBeExportedForShoebox': False}]}]}}
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions
Display : The log definition of streamingjobs ⟶ streamingjobs 記錄定義
Operations :
Display : Read streamingjobs log definitions ⟶ 讀取 streamingjobs 記錄定義
Description : Gets the available logs for streamingjobs ⟶ 取得 streamingjobs 可用記錄
Properties : {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': 'Execution', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': 'Authoring', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}} ⟶ {'serviceSpecification': {'logSpecifications': [{'name': 'Execution', 'displayName': '執行', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}, {'name': 'Authoring', 'displayName': '製作', 'blobDuration': 'PT1H'}]}}
▼ ▲ streamingjobs
Display : Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 串流分析工作
Operations :
Display : Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 編譯查詢於 串流分析工作
Description : Compile Query for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 編譯查詢於 串流分析工作
Display : Delete Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作
Description : Delete Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 刪除 串流分析工作
Display : Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 下載以下項目的工作圖表 串流分析工作
Description : Download job diagrams for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 下載以下項目的工作圖表 串流分析工作
Display : Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 產生下列項目的拓撲 串流分析工作
Description : Generate topologies for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 產生下列項目的拓撲 串流分析工作
Display : Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 發佈 Edge 套件: 串流分析工作
Description : Publish edge package for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 發佈 Edge 套件: 串流分析工作
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 讀取 串流分析工作
Display : Scale Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 調整 串流分析工作
Description : Scale Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 調整 串流分析工作
Display : Start Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 開始 串流分析工作
Description : Start Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 開始 串流分析工作
Display : Stop Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 停止 串流分析工作
Description : Stop Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 停止 串流分析工作
Display : Test Query for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析工作
Description : Test Query for Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 下項的測試查詢: 串流分析工作
Display : Write Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作
Description : Write Stream Analytics Job ⟶ 寫入 串流分析工作
▼ ▲ clusters/operationresults
Name : clusters/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster
▼ ▲ clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults
Name : clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/clusters/privateEndpoints/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Cluster Private Endpoint
▼ ▲ locations/operationresults
Name : locations/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Operation Result
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/operationresults/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Operation Result
Description : Read Stream Analytics Operation Result
▼ ▲ locations/quotas
Name : locations/quotas
Display : Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/locations/quotas/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
Description : Read Stream Analytics Subscription Quota
▼ ▲ operations
Name : operations
Display : Stream Analytics Operations
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/operations/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Operations
Description : Read Stream Analytics Operations
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/functions/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/functions/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Function
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/functions/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Function
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Input
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/inputs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Input
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/metricdefinitions
Name : streamingjobs/metricdefinitions
Display : Metric Definitions
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/metricdefinitions/Read
Display : Read Metric Definitions
Description : Read Metric Definitions
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults
Name : streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults
Display : Stream Analytics Job Output
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/outputs/operationresults/Read
Display : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output
Description : Read operation results for Stream Analytics Job Output
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings
Name : streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings
Display : streamingjobs
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read
Display : Read diagnostic setting.
Description : Read diagnostic setting.
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write
Display : Write diagnostic setting.
Description : Write diagnostic setting.
▼ ▲ streamingjobs/Skus
Name : streamingjobs/Skus
Display : Stream Analytics Job SKUs
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/Skus/Read
Display : Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs
Description : Read Stream Analytics Job SKUs