▼ ▲ workspaces/outboundRules
Name : workspaces/outboundRules
Display : Machine Learning Service Workspace Outbound Rules
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/read
Display : Gets outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)
Description : Gets outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)
Origin : user,system
Name : Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/write
Display : Creates or updates outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)
Description : Creates or updates outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)
Name : Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/delete
Display : Deletes outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)
Description : Deletes outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)