▼ ▲ catalogs/schemagroups
Name : catalogs/schemas ⟶ catalogs/schemagroups
Display : Schemas ⟶ SchemaGroups
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemas/write ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemagroups/write
Display : Create/update schema resources ⟶ Create/update schema groups and resources
Description : Writes schemas ⟶ Write schema groups and resources
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemas/read ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemagroups/read
Display : Read schema resources ⟶ Read schema groups and resources
Description : Reads schemas ⟶ Reads schema groups and resources
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemas/delete ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/schemagroups/delete
Display : Deletes schema resources ⟶ Delete schema groups and resources
Description : Deletes schemas ⟶ Delete schema groups and resources
▼ ▲ catalogs/messagegroups
Name : catalogs ⟶ catalogs/messagegroups
Display : Catalogs ⟶ MessageGroups
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/write ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/messagegroups/write
Display : Create/update catalog resources ⟶ Create/update message groups and resources
Description : Writes catalogs ⟶ Write message groups and resources
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/read ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/messagegroups/read
Display : Read catalog resources ⟶ Read message groups and resources
Description : Reads catalogs ⟶ Read message groups and resources
Name : Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/delete ⟶ Microsoft.MessagingCatalog/catalogs/messagegroups/delete
Display : Deletes catalog resources ⟶ Delete message groups and resources
Description : Deletes catalogs ⟶ Delete message groups and resources