

64 updated resources, 1 updated operation | 36 removed resources


  • 6



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/agreements/read

          Display: Agreements_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the agreements for a billing account.

  • 9



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/read

          Display: BillingProfiles_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the billing profiles that a user has access to. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement of type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.


          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/write

          Display: BillingProfiles_CreateOrUpdate

          Description: Creates or updates a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement, Microsoft Partner Agreement and Enterprise Agreement. If you are a MCA Individual (Pay-as-you-go) customer, then please use the Azure portal experience to create the billing profile.

  • 11



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/read

          Display: Customers_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the customers that are billed to a billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 20



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing account.

  • 21



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing profile.

  • 23



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByInvoiceSection

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an invoice section.

  • 24



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByEnrollmentAccount

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an enrollment account.

  • 25



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByDepartment

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a department.

  • 30



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/read

          Display: Customers_ListByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the customers that are billed to a billing profile. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 44



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByBillingAccount

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing account.

  • 45



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByBillingProfile

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing profile.

  • 46



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByInvoiceSection

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for an invoice section.

  • 48



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByEnrollmentAccount

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for an enrollment account.

  • 49



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByDepartment

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a department.

  • 50



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on a billing account while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • 51



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on an billing profile while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • 52



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByInvoiceSection

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on an invoice section while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • 70



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByCustomer

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a customer.

  • 71



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByCustomer

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a customer.

  • 74



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByCustomer

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on a customer while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 103



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/policies/read

          Display: Policies_GetBySubscription

          Description: Lists the policies that are managed by the Billing Admin for the defined subscriptions. This is supported for Microsoft Online Services Program, Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions


    •  Lists the subscriptions for a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement, Microsoft Partner Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.
    •  Updates the properties of a billing subscription. Cost center can only be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    • Lists the subscriptions for a billing account.
    • Updates the properties of a billing subscription.
  • billingAccounts/agreements


    •  List/Get Agreement(s)
    • Agreements_ListByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts


    •  Lists accessible billing accounts.
    •  Updates the properties of a billing account.
    • Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.
    • Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Currently address and notification email address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Online Services Agreement. Currently, purchase order number can be edited for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles


    •  List/Get Billing Profile(s)
    •  Delete Billing Profile
    • BillingProfiles_ListByBillingAccount
    • BillingProfiles_CreateOrUpdate
  • billingAccounts/customers


    •  Get Customer by Id on Billing Account Scope
    • Customers_ListByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Account
    • BillingPermissions_ListByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Profile
    • BillingPermissions_ListByBillingProfile
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Invoice Section
    • BillingPermissions_ListByInvoiceSection
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Enrollment Account
    • BillingPermissions_ListByEnrollmentAccount
  • billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Department
    • BillingPermissions_ListByDepartment
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers


    •  List/Get Customer(s) by Billing Profile
    • Customers_ListByBillingProfile
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts


    •  EnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingAccountName
    • EnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/associatedTenants


    •  Lists the tenants that can collaborate with the billing account on commerce activities like viewing and downloading invoices, managing payments, making purchases, and managing licenses.
    • Lists the associated tenants that can collaborate with the billing account on commerce activities like viewing and downloading invoices, managing payments, making purchases, and managing or provisioning licenses.
  • billingAccounts/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Billing Account scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Billing Profile scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByBillingProfile
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Invoice Section scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByInvoiceSection
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Enrollment Account scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByEnrollmentAccount
  • billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Enrollment Department scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByDepartment
  • billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  Resolve Billing Role Assignments
    • BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  Resolve Billing Role Assignments
    • BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingProfile
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  Resolve Billing Role Assignments
    • BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByInvoiceSection
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/cancel


    •  Cancel an azure billing subscription.
    • Cancels a usage-based subscription. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Microsoft Partner Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts


    •  EnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartmentName
    • EnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartment
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess


    •  Allows/Disallows an access request at Customer scope
    • CheckAccess_GetByCustomer
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions


    •  List/Get Billing Permissions by Customer
    • BillingPermissions_ListByCustomer
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  Resolve Billing Role Assignments
    • BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByCustomer
  • billingAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  RoleDefinitions_Get
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingAccount
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingProfileRoleDefinitions_Get
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingProfile
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  InvoiceSectionRoleDefinitions_Get
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByInvoiceSection
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  AccountRoleDefinitions_Get
    •  Gets the definition for a role on a enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByEnrollmentAccount
    • Gets the definition for a role on an enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  DepartmentRoleDefinitions_Get
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByDepartment
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingSubscriptions


    •  Get a billing subscription by billing profile ID and billing subscription ID. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Enterprise Agreement.
    • Gets a subscription by its billing profile and ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/move


    •  Moves a subscription's charges to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    • Moves charges for a subscription to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility


    •  Validates if a subscription's charges can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    • Validates if charges for a subscription can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  CustomerRoleDefinitions_Get
    • BillingRoleDefinition_GetByCustomer
  • policies


    •  Get policies of a subscription
    • Policies_GetBySubscription
  • billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByBillingAccount  ⟶  Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingProperty


      • Display: BillingProperty_Update  ⟶  Update Billing Properties

      • Display: BillingProperty_Get  ⟶  List/Get Billing Properties

  • billingAccounts/customers/policies


      • Display: Get policies of a customer  ⟶  Policies_GetByCustomer



          New_value: Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

      • Display: Update policies of a customer  ⟶  Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomer



          New_value: Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByEnrollmentAccount  ⟶  Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByEnrollmentAccount

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a enrollment Account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByDepartment  ⟶  Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByDepartment

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a department. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingAccount

        Description: Lists the invoices for a billing account for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement, or Microsoft Online Services Program.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: Lists the invoices for a billing profile for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • Microsoft.Billing/validateAddress/action

      Display: Address_Validate  ⟶  Validate Address


  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow

      Display: Paynow


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow/write

        Display: Invoices_Paynow

        Description: Initiates a pay now operation for an invoice.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices

      Display: Invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingSubscription

        Description: Lists the invoices for a subscription.

  • billingAccounts/downloadDocuments

      Name: billingAccounts/downloadDocuments

      Display: Download Documents


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/downloadDocuments/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/download

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/download

      Display: Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/download/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download an invoice document. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments

      Display: Download Documents


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingSubscription

        Description: Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download

      Display: Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadByBillingSubscription

        Description: Gets a URL to download an invoice by billing subscription.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload

      Display: Summary Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadSummaryByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download the summary document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/amend

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/amend

      Display: Amend


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/amend/write

        Display: Invoices_Amend

        Description: Regenerate an invoice by billing account name and invoice name. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProviders/register

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProviders/register

      Display: Register


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/register/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_Register

        Description: API to register the first party application at billing account scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register

      Display: Register


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_Register

        Description: API to register the first party application at billing profile scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister

      Display: Unregister


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_Unregister

        Description: API to de-register the first party application at billing account scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister

      Display: Unregister


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_Unregister

        Description: API to de-register the first party application at billing profile scope.

  • billingAccounts/availableBalance

      Name: billingAccounts/availableBalance

      Display: Available Balance


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/availableBalance/read

        Display: AvailableBalance_GetByBillingAccount

        Description: The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing account. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Online Services Program.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance

      Display: Available Balance


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance/read

        Display: AvailableBalance_GetByBillingProfile

        Description: The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing profile. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/confirmTransition

      Name: billingAccounts/confirmTransition

      Display: Confirm Transition


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/confirmTransition/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_ConfirmTransition

        Description: Gets the transition details for a billing account that has transitioned from agreement type Microsoft Online Services Program to agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility

      Display: Validate Delete Eligibility


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_ValidateDeleteEligibility

        Description: Validates if the billing profile can be deleted. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingRequests

      Name: billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByUser

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted by a user.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/write

        Display: BillingRequests_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: Create or update a billing request.

  • billingAccounts/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByBillingAccount

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the billing account.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the billing profile.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByInvoiceSection

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the invoice section.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByCustomer

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the customer.

  • billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingAccount

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingProfile

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByInvoiceSection

        Description: Adds a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByCustomer

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingProfile

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByBillingProfile

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByInvoiceSection

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByInvoiceSection

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByCustomer

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByCustomer

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions

      Display: Billing Subscriptions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions/read

        Display: BillingSubscriptions_ListByCustomer

        Description: Lists the subscriptions for a customer. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies

      Display: Policies


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/read

        Display: Policies_GetByCustomer

        Description: Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/write

        Display: Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomer

        Description: Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary

      Display: Transaction Summary


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary/read

        Display: Transactions_GetTransactionSummaryByInvoice

        Description: Gets the transaction summary for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByInvoice

        Description: Lists the transactions for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by billing profile name for given start and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByInvoiceSection

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by invoice section name for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByCustomer

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by customer id for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload

      Display: Transactions Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload/write

        Display: Transactions_DownloadByInvoice

        Description: Gets a URL to download the transactions document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

36 new resources | 64 updated resources, 1 updated operation


  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow

      Display: Paynow


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow/write

        Display: Invoices_Paynow

        Description: Initiates a pay now operation for an invoice.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices

      Display: Invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingSubscription

        Description: Lists the invoices for a subscription.

  • billingAccounts/downloadDocuments

      Name: billingAccounts/downloadDocuments

      Display: Download Documents


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/downloadDocuments/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/download

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/download

      Display: Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/download/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download an invoice document. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments

      Display: Download Documents


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingSubscription

        Description: Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download

      Name: billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download

      Display: Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadByBillingSubscription

        Description: Gets a URL to download an invoice by billing subscription.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload

      Display: Summary Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload/write

        Display: Invoices_DownloadSummaryByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a URL to download the summary document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/amend

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/amend

      Display: Amend


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/amend/write

        Display: Invoices_Amend

        Description: Regenerate an invoice by billing account name and invoice name. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProviders/register

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProviders/register

      Display: Register


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/register/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_Register

        Description: API to register the first party application at billing account scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register

      Display: Register


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_Register

        Description: API to register the first party application at billing profile scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister

      Display: Unregister


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_Unregister

        Description: API to de-register the first party application at billing account scope.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister

      Display: Unregister


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_Unregister

        Description: API to de-register the first party application at billing profile scope.

  • billingAccounts/availableBalance

      Name: billingAccounts/availableBalance

      Display: Available Balance


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/availableBalance/read

        Display: AvailableBalance_GetByBillingAccount

        Description: The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing account. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Online Services Program.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance

      Display: Available Balance


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance/read

        Display: AvailableBalance_GetByBillingProfile

        Description: The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing profile. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/confirmTransition

      Name: billingAccounts/confirmTransition

      Display: Confirm Transition


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/confirmTransition/write

        Display: BillingAccounts_ConfirmTransition

        Description: Gets the transition details for a billing account that has transitioned from agreement type Microsoft Online Services Program to agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility

      Display: Validate Delete Eligibility


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility/write

        Display: BillingProfiles_ValidateDeleteEligibility

        Description: Validates if the billing profile can be deleted. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingRequests

      Name: billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByUser

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted by a user.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/write

        Display: BillingRequests_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: Create or update a billing request.

  • billingAccounts/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByBillingAccount

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the billing account.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the billing profile.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByInvoiceSection

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the invoice section.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests

      Display: Billing Requests


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests/read

        Display: BillingRequests_ListByCustomer

        Description: The list of billing requests submitted for the customer.

  • billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingAccount

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingProfile

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByInvoiceSection

        Description: Adds a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment

      Display: Create Billing Role Assignment


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByCustomer

        Description: Adds a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingProfile

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByBillingProfile

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByInvoiceSection

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByInvoiceSection

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments

      Display: Billing Role Assignments


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByCustomer

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/write

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByCustomer

        Description: Deletes a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions

      Display: Billing Subscriptions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions/read

        Display: BillingSubscriptions_ListByCustomer

        Description: Lists the subscriptions for a customer. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies

      Display: Policies


      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/read

        Display: Policies_GetByCustomer

        Description: Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/write

        Display: Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomer

        Description: Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary

      Display: Transaction Summary


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary/read

        Display: Transactions_GetTransactionSummaryByInvoice

        Description: Gets the transaction summary for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByInvoice

        Description: Lists the transactions for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by billing profile name for given start and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByInvoiceSection

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by invoice section name for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions

      Name: billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions

      Display: Transactions


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions/read

        Display: Transactions_ListByCustomer

        Description: Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by customer id for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.

  • billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload

      Name: billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload

      Display: Transactions Download


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload/write

        Display: Transactions_DownloadByInvoice

        Description: Gets a URL to download the transactions document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.


  • 6



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/agreements/read

          Display: Agreements_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the agreements for a billing account.

  • 9



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/read

          Display: BillingProfiles_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the billing profiles that a user has access to. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement of type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.


          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/write

          Display: BillingProfiles_CreateOrUpdate

          Description: Creates or updates a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement, Microsoft Partner Agreement and Enterprise Agreement. If you are a MCA Individual (Pay-as-you-go) customer, then please use the Azure portal experience to create the billing profile.

  • 11



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/read

          Display: Customers_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the customers that are billed to a billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 20



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing account.

  • 21



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing profile.

  • 23



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByInvoiceSection

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an invoice section.

  • 24



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByEnrollmentAccount

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an enrollment account.

  • 25



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByDepartment

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a department.

  • 30



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/read

          Display: Customers_ListByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the customers that are billed to a billing profile. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 44



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByBillingAccount

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing account.

  • 45



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByBillingProfile

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing profile.

  • 46



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByInvoiceSection

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for an invoice section.

  • 48



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByEnrollmentAccount

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for an enrollment account.

  • 49



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByDepartment

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a department.

  • 50



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingAccount

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on a billing account while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • 51



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingProfile

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on an billing profile while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • 52



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByInvoiceSection

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on an invoice section while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • 70



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess/write

          Display: CheckAccess_GetByCustomer

          Description: Provides a list of check access response objects for a customer.

  • 71



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions/read

          Display: BillingPermissions_ListByCustomer

          Description: Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a customer.

  • 74



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write

          Display: BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByCustomer

          Description: Lists the role assignments for the caller on a customer while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • 103



          Name: Microsoft.Billing/policies/read

          Display: Policies_GetBySubscription

          Description: Lists the policies that are managed by the Billing Admin for the defined subscriptions. This is supported for Microsoft Online Services Program, Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions


    •  Lists the subscriptions for a billing account.
    •  Updates the properties of a billing subscription.
    • Lists the subscriptions for a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement, Microsoft Partner Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.
    • Updates the properties of a billing subscription. Cost center can only be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/agreements


    •  Agreements_ListByBillingAccount
    • List/Get Agreement(s)
  • billingAccounts


    •  Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.
    •  Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Currently address and notification email address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Online Services Agreement. Currently, purchase order number can be edited for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
    • Lists accessible billing accounts.
    • Updates the properties of a billing account.
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles


    •  BillingProfiles_ListByBillingAccount
    •  BillingProfiles_CreateOrUpdate
    • List/Get Billing Profile(s)
    • Delete Billing Profile
  • billingAccounts/customers


    •  Customers_ListByBillingAccount
    • Get Customer by Id on Billing Account Scope
  • billingAccounts/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByBillingAccount
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Account
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByBillingProfile
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Profile
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByInvoiceSection
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Invoice Section
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByEnrollmentAccount
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Enrollment Account
  • billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByDepartment
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Department
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers


    •  Customers_ListByBillingProfile
    • List/Get Customer(s) by Billing Profile
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts


    •  EnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingAccount
    • EnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingAccountName
  • billingAccounts/associatedTenants


    •  Lists the associated tenants that can collaborate with the billing account on commerce activities like viewing and downloading invoices, managing payments, making purchases, and managing or provisioning licenses.
    • Lists the tenants that can collaborate with the billing account on commerce activities like viewing and downloading invoices, managing payments, making purchases, and managing licenses.
  • billingAccounts/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByBillingAccount
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Billing Account scope
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByBillingProfile
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Billing Profile scope
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByInvoiceSection
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Invoice Section scope
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByEnrollmentAccount
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Enrollment Account scope
  • billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByDepartment
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Enrollment Department scope
  • billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingAccount
    • Resolve Billing Role Assignments
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingProfile
    • Resolve Billing Role Assignments
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByInvoiceSection
    • Resolve Billing Role Assignments
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/cancel


    •  Cancels a usage-based subscription. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Microsoft Partner Agreement.
    • Cancel an azure billing subscription.
  • billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts


    •  EnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartment
    • EnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartmentName
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess


    •  CheckAccess_GetByCustomer
    • Allows/Disallows an access request at Customer scope
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions


    •  BillingPermissions_ListByCustomer
    • List/Get Billing Permissions by Customer
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments


    •  BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByCustomer
    • Resolve Billing Role Assignments
  • billingAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingAccount
    • RoleDefinitions_Get
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingProfile
    • BillingProfileRoleDefinitions_Get
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByInvoiceSection
    • InvoiceSectionRoleDefinitions_Get
  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByEnrollmentAccount
    •  Gets the definition for a role on an enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
    • AccountRoleDefinitions_Get
    • Gets the definition for a role on a enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByDepartment
    • DepartmentRoleDefinitions_Get
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingSubscriptions


    •  Gets a subscription by its billing profile and ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.
    • Get a billing subscription by billing profile ID and billing subscription ID. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Enterprise Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/move


    •  Moves charges for a subscription to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    • Moves a subscription's charges to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility


    •  Validates if charges for a subscription can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    • Validates if a subscription's charges can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleDefinitions


    •  BillingRoleDefinition_GetByCustomer
    • CustomerRoleDefinitions_Get
  • policies


    •  Policies_GetBySubscription
    • Get policies of a subscription
  • billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment  ⟶  BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByBillingAccount



          New_value: Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingAccount

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingProperty


      • Display: List/Get Billing Properties  ⟶  BillingProperty_Get



          New_value: Gets the billing properties for a subscription

      • Display: Update Billing Properties  ⟶  BillingProperty_Update



          New_value: Updates the billing property of a subscription. Currently, cost center can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and subscription service usage address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Online Service Program.

  • billingAccounts/customers/policies


      • Display: Policies_GetByCustomer  ⟶  Get policies of a customer

      • Display: Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomer  ⟶  Update policies of a customer

  • billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment  ⟶  BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByDepartment



          New_value: Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByDepartment

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a department. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments


      • Display: Create / Update BillingRoleAssignment  ⟶  BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByEnrollmentAccount



          New_value: Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

      • Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read

        Display: BillingRoleAssignments_GetByEnrollmentAccount

        Description: Gets a role assignment for the caller on a enrollment Account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

  • billingAccounts/invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingAccount

        Description: Lists the invoices for a billing account for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement, or Microsoft Online Services Program.

  • billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices


        Name: Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/read

        Display: Invoices_ListByBillingProfile

        Description: Lists the invoices for a billing profile for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.

  • Microsoft.Billing/validateAddress/action

      Display: Validate Address  ⟶  Address_Validate