

1 new resource | 14 updated resources


  • accounts/Face/session/sessionimages

      Name: accounts/Face/session/sessionimages

      Display: sessionimages*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/session/sessionimages/read

        Display: LivenessSessionOperations_GetSessionImage

        Description: Gets session image by sessionImageId.

        Origin: user


  • accounts/Face/facelists


    •  Retrieve a face list's faceListId, name, userData, recognitionModel and faces in the face list. List face lists' faceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.
    • Retrieve a face list��s faceListId, name, userData, recognitionModel and faces in the face list. List face lists�� faceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.*
  • accounts/Face/largefacelists


    •  Retrieve a large face list's largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel. List large face lists' information of largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.
    • Retrieve a large face list��s largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel. List large face lists�� information of largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.*
  • accounts/Face/largepersongroups


    •  Retrieve the information of a large person group, including its name, userData and recognitionModel. This API returns large person group information List all existing large person groups' largePersonGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.
    • Retrieve the information of a large person group, including its name, userData and recognitionModel. This API returns large person group information List all existing large person groups��s largePersonGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.*
  • accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons


    •  Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). List all persons' information in the specified large person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds.
    • Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). List all persons�� information in the specified large person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds*
  • accounts/Face/persongroups


    •  Retrieve person group name, userData and recognitionModel. To get person information under this personGroup, use List person groups' personGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.
    • Retrieve person group name, userData and recognitionModel. To get person information under this personGroup, use List person groups��s personGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.*
  • accounts/Face/persongroups/persons


    •  Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). List all persons' information in the specified person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds of registered.
    • Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). List all persons�� information in the specified person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds of registered*
  • accounts/Face/snapshots


    •  Apply a snapshot, providing a user-specified object id.*
    •  Get information of a snapshot. List all of the user's accessible snapshots with information.
    • Apply a snapshot, providing a user-specified object id.
    • Get information of a snapshot. List all of the user's accessible snapshots with information.*
  • accounts/Face/persons


    •  Delete an existing person from person directory. The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted. Delete an existing person from person directory The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.
    •  Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory. List all persons information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData. Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory.* List all persons' information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.
    • Delete an existing person from person directory. The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted. Delete an existing person from person directory The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.*
    • Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory. List all persons�� information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.* Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory.* List all persons�� information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.*
  • accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal

      Name: accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal

      Display: Session - Create  ⟶  singlemodal*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/action  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/action

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Create  ⟶  LivenessSessionOperations_CreateLivenessWithVerifySession


        Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection with verify.

         ⟶  A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. Permissions includes... * Ability to call /detectLiveness/singleModal for up to 3 reties. * A token lifetime of 10 minutes. Remarks: Client access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness With Verify Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness With Verify Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness With Verify Session Audit Entries. Alternative Option: Client device submits VerifyImage during the /detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal call.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/action

          Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Create


          Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection with verify.

          Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/audit

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/audit

      Display: Session - GetResult|Session - Audit  ⟶  audit*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit/read  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/audit/read

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Audit Requests  ⟶  Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - Audit Requests


        List audit entries for detectLiveness/singleModal.

         ⟶  Gets session requests and response body for the session.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit/read

          Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Audit Requests


          List audit entries for detectLiveness/singleModal.

          Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal

      Display: Session - Create  ⟶  singlemodal*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/action  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/action

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Create  ⟶  LivenessSessionOperations_CreateLivenessSession


        Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection.

         ⟶  A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. Permissions includes... * Ability to call /detectLiveness/singleModal for up to 3 reties. * A token lifetime of 10 minutes. Remarks: Client access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness Session Audit Entries.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/action

          Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Create


          Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection.

          Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions

      Display: Session - Delete  ⟶  sessions*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/delete  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/delete

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Delete  ⟶  Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - Delete


        Deletes a liveness detection session.

         ⟶  Delete all session related information for matching the specified session id.

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/read  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/read

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Result  ⟶  Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - List


        Reads the state of detectLiveness/singleModal session.

         ⟶  Lists sessions for /detectLiveness/SingleModal.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/delete

          Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Delete


          Deletes a liveness detection session.

          Origin: user

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/read

          Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Result


          Reads the state of detectLiveness/singleModal session.

          Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/audit

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/audit

      Display: Session - GetResult|Session - Audit  ⟶  audit*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit/read  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/audit/read

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Audit Requests  ⟶  Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Audit Requests


        List audit entries for detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal.

         ⟶  Gets session requests and response body for the session.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit/read

          Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Audit Requests


          List audit entries for detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal.

          Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions  ⟶  accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions

      Display: Session - Delete  ⟶  sessions*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/delete  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/delete

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Delete  ⟶  Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Delete


        Deletes a liveness detection with verify session.

         ⟶  Delete all session related information for matching the specified session id.

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/read  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/read

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Result  ⟶  Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - List


        Reads the state of detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal session.

         ⟶  Lists sessions for /detectLivenessWithVerify/SingleModal.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/delete

          Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Delete


          Deletes a liveness detection with verify session.

          Origin: user

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/read

          Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Result


          Reads the state of detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal session.

          Origin: user