

3 new resources


  • gateways

      Name: gateways

      Display: Gateways


      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/read

        Display: Get Gateway List list or Get Gateway details

        Description: Lists Gateway or Gets a Gateway

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/write

        Display: Create a Gateway

        Description: Creates a Gateway

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/delete

        Display: Deletes Gateway

        Description: Deletes a Gateway

  • locations/operationsStatuses

      Name: locations/operationsStatuses


        Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/operationsStatuses/read

        Display: Read the status of a long running operation

        Description: View the status of a long running operation for which the 'AzureAsync' header was previously returned to the client

  • gateways/configConnections

      Name: gateways/configConnections

      Display: Gateway Config Connections


      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/read

        Display: Get Gateway ConfigConnection List or Get Gateway ConfigConnection details

        Description: Lists Gateway ConfigConnections or Gets a Gateway ConfigConnection

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/write

        Display: Create a Gateway Config Connection

        Description: Creates a Gateway Config Connection

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/delete

        Display: Deletes Gateway Config Connection

        Description: Deletes a Gateway Config Connection

3 removed resources


  • gateways

      Name: gateways

      Display: Gateways


      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/read

        Display: Get Gateway List list or Get Gateway details

        Description: Lists Gateway or Gets a Gateway

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/write

        Display: Create a Gateway

        Description: Creates a Gateway

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/delete

        Display: Deletes Gateway

        Description: Deletes a Gateway

  • locations/operationsStatuses

      Name: locations/operationsStatuses


        Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/operationsStatuses/read

        Display: Read the status of a long running operation

        Description: View the status of a long running operation for which the 'AzureAsync' header was previously returned to the client

  • gateways/configConnections

      Name: gateways/configConnections

      Display: Gateway Config Connections


      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/read

        Display: Get Gateway ConfigConnection List or Get Gateway ConfigConnection details

        Description: Lists Gateway ConfigConnections or Gets a Gateway ConfigConnection

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/write

        Display: Create a Gateway Config Connection

        Description: Creates a Gateway Config Connection

      • Name: Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/delete

        Display: Deletes Gateway Config Connection

        Description: Deletes a Gateway Config Connection