

2 updated operations, 99 updated resources


  • Microsoft.Migrate/register/action

      Display: 为迁移注册订阅  ⟶  Register Subscription for Migrate

      Description: 使用 Microsoft.Migrate 资源提供程序注册订阅  ⟶  Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider

  • Microsoft.Migrate/unregister/action

      Display: 为 Migrate 取消注册订阅  ⟶  Unregister Subscription for Migrate

      Description: 取消注册 Microsoft.Migrate 资源提供程序的订阅  ⟶  Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessments/assessedwebapps


        Display: 获取 assessedwebapps  ⟶  Get assessedwebapps

        Description: 获取 assessedwebapps 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the assessedwebapps

  • assessmentprojects

      Display: 评估项目  ⟶  Assessment Projects


      • Display: 获取评估项目  ⟶  Get assessment Project

        Description: 获取评估项目的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of assessment project

      • Display: 创建或更新评估项目  ⟶  Create or Update Assessment Project

        Description: 创建新的评估项目或更新现有评估项目  ⟶  Creates a new assessment project or updates an existing assessment project

      • Display: 删除评估项目  ⟶  Delete Assessment Project

        Description: 删除评估项目  ⟶  Deletes the assessment project

      • Display: 为请求正文中包含的资源集启动复制规划器  ⟶  Initiates replication planner for the set of resources included in the request body

        Description: 为请求正文中包含的资源集启动复制规划器  ⟶  Initiates replication planner for the set of resources included in the request body

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/evaluatedmachines

      Display: 已评估的计算机  ⟶  Evaluated Machines


        Display: 获取已评估的计算机  ⟶  Get Evaluated Machine

        Description: 获取已评估的计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an evaluated machine

  • modernizeProjects/statistics

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取 modernizeProject 统计信息  ⟶  Gets the modernizeProject statistics

        Description: 获取 modernizeProject 的统计信息  ⟶  Gets the statistics for the modernizeProject

  • assessmentprojects/oracleAssessments

      Display: oracle 评估  ⟶  oracle Assessments


      • Display: 获取 oracle 评估  ⟶  Get oracle Assessment

        Description: 获取 oracle 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the oracle Assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 oracle 评估  ⟶  Create or update oracle Assessment

        Description: 创建 oracle 评估或更新现有 oracle 评估  ⟶  Creates a oracle Assessment or updates an existing oracle Assessment

      • Display: 删除 oracle 评估  ⟶  Delete oracle Assessment

        Description: 删除给定位置提供的 oracle 评估  ⟶  Deletes the oracle Assessment which are available in the given location

      • Display: 获取 oracle AssessmentReport  ⟶  Get oracle AssessmentReport

        Description: 获取 oracle AssessmentReport 的 Blob SAS URI  ⟶  Get Blob SAS URI for the oracle AssessmentReport

  • assessmentprojects/assessmentOptions

      Display: 评估选项  ⟶  Assessment Options


        Display: 列表评估选项  ⟶  List Assessment Options

        Description: 获取给定位置中提供的评估选项  ⟶  Gets the assessment options which are available in the given location

  • assessmentprojects/webAppAssessmentOptions

      Display: WebApp 评估选项  ⟶  WebApp Assessment Options


        Display: 列出 WebApp 评估选项  ⟶  List WebApp Assessment Options

        Description: 获取给定位置中提供的 WebApp 评估选项  ⟶  Gets the WebApp assessment options which are available in the given location

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments/recommendedAssessedEntities

      Display: 推荐的评估实体  ⟶  Recommended Assessed Entities


        Display: 获取推荐的已评估实体  ⟶  Get Recommended Assessed Entity

        Description: 获取推荐的已评估实体的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of recommended assessed entity

  • assessmentprojects/groups/avsAssessments/avsassessedmachines

      Display: 经过 AVS 评估的计算机  ⟶  AVS Assessed Machines


        Display: 获取经过 AVS 评估的计算机  ⟶  Get AVS Assessed Machine

        Description: 获取经过 AVS 评估的计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an AVS assessed machine

  • modernizeProjects/jobs/operations

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取工作流操作状态  ⟶  Gets the workflow operation status

        Description: 跟踪对作业的异步操作的结果  ⟶  Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the job

  • assessmentprojects/oracleAssessmentOptions

      Display: oracle AssessmentOption  ⟶  oracle AssessmentOptions


        Display: 获取 oracle AssessmentOption  ⟶  Get oracle AssessmentOptions

        Description: 获取 oracle AssessmentOption 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentOptions

  • modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/operations

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取工作负载实例操作的状态  ⟶  Gets the workload instance operation status

        Description: 跟踪工作负载实例上的异步操作的结果  ⟶  Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload instance

  • moveCollections/operations

      Display: 移动集合  ⟶  Move collection


        Display: 获取操作状态  ⟶  Gets the status of the operation

        Description: 获取操作状态  ⟶  Gets the status of the operation

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlMachines

      Display: 已评估的 SQL 计算机  ⟶  Assessed SQL machines


        Display: 获取已评估的 SQL 计算机  ⟶  Get assessed SQL machines

        Description: 获取已评估的 SQL 计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of assessed SQL machines

  • assessmentprojects/assessmentsSummary

      Display: 评估摘要  ⟶  Assessments Summary


        Display: 列出评估摘要  ⟶  List Assessments summary

        Description: 获取在给定位置可用的评估摘要  ⟶  Gets the assessments summary which are available in the given location

  • moveCollections/requiredFor

      Display: 移动集合  ⟶  Move collection


        Display: 获取将使用查询参数中所传递资源的资源  ⟶  Gets the resources which will use the resource passed in query parameter

        Description: 获取将使用查询参数中所传递资源的资源  ⟶  Gets the resources which will use the resource passed in query parameter

  • assessmentprojects/avsAssessmentOptions

      Display: AVS 评估选项  ⟶  AVS Assessment Options


        Display: 列出 AVS 评估选项  ⟶  List AVS Assessment Options

        Description: 获取在给定位置可用的 AVS 评估选项  ⟶  Gets the AVS assessment options which are available in the given location

  • migrateprojects/WebSites

      Display: 网站  ⟶  Web site


        Display: 获取网站的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a web site

        Description: 获取网站的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a web site

  • assessmentprojects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Display: 专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Private Endpoint Connection Proxy


      • Display: 获取专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 获取专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 验证专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 验证专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 创建或更新专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 创建或更新专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 删除专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 删除专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

  • assessmentprojects/groups

      Display:  ⟶  Groups


      • Display: 获取组  ⟶  Get Group

        Description: 获取组的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of a group

      • Display: 创建或更新组  ⟶  Create or Update Group

        Description: 创建新组或更新现有组  ⟶  Creates a new group or updates an existing group

      • Display: 删除组  ⟶  Delete Group

        Description: 删除组  ⟶  Deletes a group

      • Display: 更新组中的计算机  ⟶  Update machines in group

        Description: 通过添加或删除计算机来更新组  ⟶  Update group by adding or removing machines

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/iaassummaries

      Display: IAAS 摘要  ⟶  IAAS summary


        Display: 获取 IAAS 摘要  ⟶  Get IAAS summary

        Description: 获取业务案例的 IAAS 摘要  ⟶  Gets the IAAS summary of the business case

  • assessmentprojects/groups/assessments/assessedmachines

      Display: 已评估的计算机  ⟶  Assessed Machines


        Display: 获取已评估计算机  ⟶  Get Assessed Machine

        Description: 获取已评估计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an assessed machine

  • moveCollections/moveResources

      Display: 移动资源  ⟶  Move resource


      • Display: 获取所有移动资源或移动集合中的移动资源  ⟶  Gets all the move resources or a move resource from the move collection

        Description: 获取所有移动资源或移动集合中的移动资源  ⟶  Gets all the move resources or a move resource from the move collection

      • Display: 创建或更新移动资源  ⟶  Creates or updates a move resource

        Description: 创建或更新移动资源  ⟶  Creates or updates a move resource

      • Display: 从移动集合中删除移动资源  ⟶  Deletes a move resource from the move collection

        Description: 从移动集合中删除移动资源  ⟶  Deletes a move resource from the move collection

  • assessmentprojects/oraclecollectors

      Display: oracle 收集器  ⟶  oracle Collectors


      • Display: 获取 oracle 收集器  ⟶  Get oracle Collector

        Description: 获取 oracle 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the oracle Collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 oracle 收集器  ⟶  Create or update oracle Collector

        Description: 创建 oracle 收集器或更新现有 oracle 收集器  ⟶  Creates a oracle Collector or updates an existing oracle Collector

      • Display: 删除 oracle 收集器  ⟶  Delete oracle Collector

        Description: 删除在给定位置提供的 oracle 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the oracle Collector which are available in the given location

  • assessmentprojects/projectsummary

      Display: 项目摘要  ⟶  Project summary


        Display: 获取项目摘要  ⟶  Gets the Project summary

        Description: 获取项目摘要的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of project summary

  • assessmentprojects/groups/webappAssessments

      Display: WebApp 资源  ⟶  WebApp Resource


      • Display: 下载 WebApp 评估 URL  ⟶  Download WebApp assessment URL

        Description: 下载 WebApp 评估报告的 URL  ⟶  Downloads WebApp assessment report's URL

      • Display: 获取 WebApp 评估  ⟶  Get WebApp Assessment

        Description: 获取 WebApp 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an WebApp assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 WebApp 评估  ⟶  Create or Update WebApp Assessment

        Description: 创建新的 WebApp 评估或更新现有 WebApp 评估  ⟶  Creates a new WebApp assessment or updates an existing WebApp assessment

      • Display: 删除 WebApp 评估  ⟶  Delete WebApp Assessment

        Description: 删除 WebApp 评估  ⟶  Deletes an WebApp assessment

  • assessmentprojects/replicationplannerjobs

      Display: 复制 Planner 作业  ⟶  Replication Planner Job


        Display: 获取复制作业  ⟶  Get Replication Job

        Description: 获取复制规划器作业的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an replication planner jobs

  • modernizeProjects/operations

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取 modernizeProject 操作状态  ⟶  Gets the modernizeProject operation status

        Description: 跟踪 modernizeProject 上的异步操作的结果  ⟶  Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject

  • assessmentprojects/springBootAssessmentOptions

      Display: springBoot AssessmentOption  ⟶  springBoot AssessmentOptions


        Display: 获取 springBoot AssessmentOption  ⟶  Get springBoot AssessmentOptions

        Description: 获取 springBoot AssessmentOption 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentOptions

  • assessmentprojects/webappcollectors

      Display: Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Webapp Collector


      • Display: 获取 Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Get Webapp collector

        Description: 获取 Webapp 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of Webapp collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Create or Update Webapp collector

        Description: 创建新的 Webapp 收集器或更新现有的 Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Creates a new Webapp collector or updates an existing Webapp collector

      • Display: 删除 Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Delete Webapp collector

        Description: 删除 Webapp 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the Webapp collector

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/evaluatedwebapps

      Display: 已评估的 WebApps  ⟶  Evaluated WebApps


        Display: 获取已评估的 Web 应用  ⟶  Get Evaluated Webapp

        Description: 获取已评估的 Web 应用的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an Evaluated Webapp

  • assessmentprojects/springBootAssessments/assessedApplications


        Display: 获取 assessedApplications  ⟶  Get assessedApplications

        Description: 获取 assessedApplications 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the assessedApplications

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessmentOptions

      Display: aks AssessmentOption  ⟶  aks AssessmentOptions


        Display: 获取 aks AssessmentOption  ⟶  Get aks AssessmentOptions

        Description: 获取 aks AssessmentOption 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentOptions

  • locations/rmsOperationResults

      Display: 移动集合  ⟶  Move collection


        Display: 获取订阅范围内基于位置的操作的状态  ⟶  Gets the status of the subscription wide location based operation

        Description: 获取订阅范围内基于位置的操作的状态  ⟶  Gets the status of the subscription wide location based operation

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessments/costdetails


        Display: 获取 costdetails  ⟶  Get costdetails

        Description: 获取 costdetails 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the costdetails

  • assessmentprojects/groups/assessments

      Display: 评估  ⟶  Assessments


      • Display: 获取评估  ⟶  Get Assessment

        Description: 获取评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新评估  ⟶  Create or Update Assessment

        Description: 创建新评估或更新现有评估  ⟶  Creates a new assessment or updates an existing assessment

      • Display: 删除评估  ⟶  Delete Assessment

        Description: 删除评估  ⟶  Deletes an assessment

      • Display: 下载评估 URL  ⟶  Download an assessment URL

        Description: 下载评估报表 URL  ⟶  Downloads an assessment report's URL

  • assessmentprojects/oracleAssessments/assessedInstances


        Display: 获取 assessedInstances  ⟶  Get assessedInstances

        Description: 获取 assessedInstances 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the assessedInstances

  • projects/assessments

      Display: 评估  ⟶  Assessments


        Display: 列出评估  ⟶  Lists Assessments

        Description: 列出项目内的评估  ⟶  Lists assessments within a project

  • assessmentprojects/oracleAssessments/assessedDatabases


        Display: 获取 assessedDatabases  ⟶  Get assessedDatabases

        Description: 获取 assessedDatabases 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the assessedDatabases

  • assessmentprojects/groups/avsAssessments

      Display: AVS 评估  ⟶  AVS Assessments


      • Display: 获取 AVS 评估  ⟶  Get AVS Assessment

        Description: 获取 AVS 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an AVS assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 AVS 评估  ⟶  Create or Update AVS Assessment

        Description: 创建新的 AVS 评估或更新现有的 AVS 评估  ⟶  Creates a new AVS assessment or updates an existing AVS assessment

      • Display: 删除 AVS 评估  ⟶  Delete AVS Assessment

        Description: 删除 AVS 评估  ⟶  Deletes an AVS assessment

      • Display: 下载 AVS 评估 URL  ⟶  Download an AVS assessment URL

        Description: 下载 AVS 评估报告的 URL  ⟶  Downloads an AVS assessment report's URL

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/avssummaries

      Display: AVS 摘要  ⟶  AVS summary


        Display: 获取 AVS 摘要  ⟶  Get AVS summary

        Description: 获取业务案例的 AVS 摘要  ⟶  Gets the AVS summary of the business case

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/overviewsummaries

      Display: 概述摘要  ⟶  Overview summary


        Display: 获取概述摘要  ⟶  Get overview summary

        Description: 获取业务案例概述摘要  ⟶  Gets the overview summary of the business case

  • assessmentprojects/privateEndpointConnections

      Display: 专用终结点连接  ⟶  Private Endpoint Connection


      • Display: 获取专用终结点连接  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 获取专用终结点连接  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection

      • Display: 更新专用终结点连接  ⟶  Update a Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 更新专用终结点连接  ⟶  Update a Private Endpoint Connection

      • Display: 删除专用终结点连接  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 删除专用终结点连接  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection

  • assessmentprojects/privateLinkResources

      Display: 专用链接资源  ⟶  Private Link Resource


        Display: 获取专用链接资源  ⟶  Get Private Link Resource

        Description: 获取专用链接资源  ⟶  Get Private Link Resource

  • projects/groups

      Display:  ⟶  Groups


      • Display: 获取组  ⟶  Get Group

        Description: 获取组的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of a group

      • Display: 创建或更新组  ⟶  Create or Update Group

        Description: 创建新组或更新现有组  ⟶  Creates a new group or updates an existing group

      • Display: 删除组  ⟶  Delete Group

        Description: 删除组  ⟶  Deletes a group

  • migrateprojects/WebServers

      Display: Web 服务器  ⟶  Web Server


        Display: 获取 Web 服务器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a web server

        Description: 获取 Web 服务器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a web server

  • assessmentprojects/machines

      Display: 计算机  ⟶  Machines


        Display: 获取虚拟机  ⟶  Get Machine

        Description: 获取计算机的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a machine

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessments

      Display: aks 评估  ⟶  aks Assessments


      • Display: 获取 aks 评估  ⟶  Get aks Assessment

        Description: 获取 aks 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the aks Assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 aks 评估  ⟶  Create or update aks Assessment

        Description: 创建 aks 评估或更新现有 aks 评估  ⟶  Creates a aks Assessment or updates an existing aks Assessment

      • Display: 删除 aks 评估  ⟶  Delete aks Assessment

        Description: 删除给定位置提供的 aks 评估  ⟶  Deletes the aks Assessment which are available in the given location

      • Display: 获取 aks AssessmentReport  ⟶  Get aks AssessmentReport

        Description: 获取 aks AssessmentReport 的 Blob SAS URI  ⟶  Get Blob SAS URI for the aks AssessmentReport

  • migrateprojects/privateLinkResources

      Display: 专用链接资源  ⟶  Private Link Resource


        Display: 获取专用链接资源  ⟶  Get Private Link Resource

        Description: 获取专用链接资源  ⟶  Get Private Link Resource

  • projects/groups/assessments

      Display: 评估  ⟶  Assessments


      • Display: 获取评估  ⟶  Get Assessment

        Description: 获取评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新评估  ⟶  Create or Update Assessment

        Description: 创建新评估或更新现有评估  ⟶  Creates a new assessment or updates an existing assessment

      • Display: 删除评估  ⟶  Delete Assessment

        Description: 删除评估  ⟶  Deletes an assessment

      • Display: 下载评估 URL  ⟶  Download an assessment URL

        Description: 下载评估报表 URL  ⟶  Downloads an assessment report's URL

  • projects

      Display: 项目  ⟶  Projects


      • Display: 获取项目  ⟶  Get Project

        Description: 获取项目的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a project

      • Display: 创建或更新项目  ⟶  Create or Update Project

        Description: 创建新项目或更新现有项目  ⟶  Creates a new project or updates an existing project

      • Display: 删除项目  ⟶  Delete Project

        Description: 删除项目  ⟶  Deletes the project

      • Display: 获取项目参数  ⟶  Get Project keys

        Description: 获取项目的共享密钥  ⟶  Gets shared keys for the project

  • assessmentprojects/vmwarecollectors

      Display: VMware 收集器  ⟶  VMware Collector


      • Display: 获取 VMware 收集器  ⟶  Get VMware collector

        Description: 获取 VMware 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of VMware collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 VMware 收集器  ⟶  Create or Update VMware collector

        Description: 创建新的 VMware 收集器或更新现有的 VMware 收集器  ⟶  Creates a new VMware collector or updates an existing VMware collector

      • Display: 删除 VMware 收集器  ⟶  Delete VMware collector

        Description: 删除 VMware 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the VMware collector

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/paassummaries

      Display: PAAS 摘要  ⟶  PAAS summary


        Display: 获取 PAAS 摘要  ⟶  Get PAAS summary

        Description: 获取业务案例的 PAAS 摘要  ⟶  Gets the PAAS summary of the business case

  • resourcetypes

      Display: 资源类型  ⟶  Resource type


        Display: 获取资源类型  ⟶  Get resource type

        Description: 获取资源类型  ⟶  Gets the resource types

  • modernizeProjects

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


      • Display: 获取“现代化”项目  ⟶  Gets the modernize project

        Description: 获取“现代化”项目的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the modernize project

      • Display: 放置 modernizeProject  ⟶  Puts the modernizeProject

        Description: 创建 modernizeProject  ⟶  Creates the modernizeProject

      • Display: 删除 modernizeProject  ⟶  Deletes the modernizeProject

        Description: 移除 modernizeProject  ⟶  Removes the modernizeProject

  • modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/operations

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取 MigrateAgent 操作状态  ⟶  Gets the MigrateAgent operation status

        Description: 跟踪 modernizeProject 代理上的异步操作的结果  ⟶  Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject agent

  • assessmentprojects/springBootAssessments

      Display: springBoot 评估  ⟶  springBoot Assessments


      • Display: 获取 springBoot 评估  ⟶  Get springBoot Assessment

        Description: 获取 springBoot 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the springBoot Assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 springBoot 评估  ⟶  Create or update springBoot Assessment

        Description: 创建 springBoot 评估或更新现有 springBoot 评估  ⟶  Creates a springBoot Assessment or updates an existing springBoot Assessment

      • Display: 删除 springBoot 评估  ⟶  Delete springBoot Assessment

        Description: 删除给定位置提供的 springBoot 评估  ⟶  Deletes the springBoot Assessment which are available in the given location

      • Display: 获取 springBoot AssessmentReport  ⟶  Get springBoot AssessmentReport

        Description: 获取 springBoot AssessmentReport 的 Blob SAS URI  ⟶  Get Blob SAS URI for the springBoot AssessmentReport

  • migrateprojects

      Display: 迁移项目  ⟶  Migrate Projects


      • Display: 获取迁移项目  ⟶  Get Migrate Project

        Description: 获取迁移项目的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of migrate project

      • Display: 创建或更新迁移项目  ⟶  Create or Update Migrate Project

        Description: 新建迁移项目或更新现有迁移项目  ⟶  Creates a new migrate project or updates an existing migrate project

      • Display: 删除迁移项目  ⟶  Delete Migrate Project

        Description: 删除迁移项目  ⟶  Deletes a migrate project

      • Display: 注册工具  ⟶  Register tool

        Description: 向迁移项目注册工具  ⟶  Registers tool to a migrate project

      • Display: 刷新迁移项目摘要  ⟶  Refresh the migrate project summary

        Description: 刷新迁移项目摘要  ⟶  Refreshes the migrate project summary

      • Display: 提供工具注册详细信息  ⟶  Provides the tool registration details

        Description: 提供工具注册详细信息  ⟶  Provides the tool registration details

  • migrateprojects/DatabaseInstances

      Display: 数据库实例  ⟶  Database Instances


        Display: 获取数据库实例  ⟶  Get database instance

        Description: 获取数据库实例的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a database instance

  • assessmentprojects/webAppAssessments

      Display: WebApp 资源  ⟶  WebApp Resource


        Display: 列出项目内的 Web 应用评估  ⟶  Lists web app assessments within a project

        Description: 列出项目内的 Web 应用评估  ⟶  Lists web app assessments within a project

  • modernizeProjects/migrateAgents

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


      • Display: 获取 MigrateAgent  ⟶  Gets the MigrateAgent

        Description: 获取 modernizeProject 代理的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the modernizeProject agent

      • Display: 放置 MigrateAgent  ⟶  Puts the MigrateAgent

        Description: 创建 modernizeProject 代理  ⟶  Creates the modernizeProject agent

      • Display: 删除 MigrateAgent  ⟶  Deletes the MigrateAgent

        Description: 删除 modernizeProject 代理  ⟶  Deletes the modernizeProject agent

      • Display: 刷新 MigrateAgent  ⟶  Refreshes the MigrateAgent

        Description: 刷新 modernizeProject 代理  ⟶  Refreshes the modernizeProject agent

  • modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


      • Display: 获取工作负载部署  ⟶  Gets the workload deployment

        Description: 获取工作负载部署的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the workload deployment

      • Display: 放置工作负载部署  ⟶  Puts the workload deployment

        Description: 创建工作负载部署  ⟶  Creates the workload deployment

      • Display: 删除工作负载部署  ⟶  Deletes the workload deployment

        Description: 移除工作负载部署  ⟶  Removes the workload deployment

      • Display: 获取工作负载部署的密钥  ⟶  Gets the workload deployment secrets

        Description: 获取工作负载部署的密钥  ⟶  Gets the secrets of the workload deployment

      • Display: 生成容器映像  ⟶  Build container image

        Description: 对工作负载部署执行生成容器映像的操作  ⟶  Performs the build container image action on the workload deployment

      • Display: 执行测试迁移  ⟶  Performs test migrate

        Description: 对工作负载部署执行测试迁移  ⟶  Performs the test migrate on the workload deployment

      • Display: 执行测试迁移清理  ⟶  Performs test migrate cleanup

        Description: 对工作负载部署执行测试迁移清理  ⟶  Performs the test migrate cleanup on the workload deployment

      • Display: 执行迁移  ⟶  Performs migrate

        Description: 对工作负载部署执行迁移  ⟶  Performs migrate on the workload deployment

  • modernizeProjects/jobs

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 读取工作流  ⟶  Gets the workflow

        Description: 获取作业的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the job

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessments/summaries

      Display: aks AssessmentSummary  ⟶  aks AssessmentSummaries


        Display: 获取 aks AssessmentSummary  ⟶  Get aks AssessmentSummary

        Description: 获取 aks AssessmentSummary 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentSummary

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/evaluatedavsmachines

      Display: 已评估的 AVS 计算机  ⟶  Evaluated Avs Machines


        Display: 获取已评估的 AVS 计算机  ⟶  Get Evaluated Avs Machine

        Description: 获取已评估的 AVS 计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an evaluated Avs machine

  • assessmentprojects/groups/webappAssessments/summaries

      Display: Web 应用评估摘要  ⟶  Web App Assessment Summary


        Display: 获取 Web 应用评估摘要  ⟶  Gets web app assessment summary

        Description: 获取 Web 应用评估摘要  ⟶  Gets web app assessment summary

  • modernizeProjects/workloadInstances

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


      • Display: 获取工作负载实例  ⟶  Gets the workload instance

        Description: 获取工作负载实例的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the workload instance

      • Display: 放置工作负载实例  ⟶  Puts the workload instance

        Description: 在给定的 modernizeProject 中创建工作负载实例  ⟶  Creates the workload instance in the given modernizeProject

      • Display: 删除工作负载实例  ⟶  Deletes the workload instance

        Description: 删除给定 modernizeProject 中的工作负载实例  ⟶  Deletes the workload instance in the given modernizeProject

      • Display: 执行完全迁移  ⟶  Performs complete migrate

        Description: 对工作负载实例执行完全迁移  ⟶  Performs complete migrate on the workload instance

      • Display: 执行禁用复制  ⟶  Performs disable replicate

        Description: 对工作负载实例执行禁用复制  ⟶  Performs disable replicate on the workload instance

  • assessmentprojects/hypervcollectors

      Display: HyperV 收集器  ⟶  HyperV Collector


      • Display: 获取 HyperV 收集器  ⟶  Get HyperV collector

        Description: 获取 HyperV 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of HyperV collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 HyperV 收集器  ⟶  Create or Update HyperV collector

        Description: 创建新的 HyperV 收集器或更新现有 HyperV 收集器  ⟶  Creates a new HyperV collector or updates an existing HyperV collector

      • Display: 删除 HyperV 收集器  ⟶  Delete HyperV collector

        Description: 删除 HyperV 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the HyperV collector

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlDatabases

      Display: 已评估的 SQL 数据库  ⟶  Assessed SQL databases


        Display: 获取已评估的 SQL 数据库  ⟶  Get assessed SQL databses

        Description: 获取已评估的 SQL 数据集的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of assessed SQL databses

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases

      Display: 业务案例  ⟶  Business case


      • Display: 获取比较摘要  ⟶  Get Compare summary

        Description: 获取业务案例的比较摘要  ⟶  Gets the compare summary of the business case

      • Display: 获取业务案例  ⟶  Get Business case

        Description: 获取业务案例的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an business case

      • Display: 下载业务案例 URL  ⟶  Download an Business Case URL

        Description: 下载业务案例报告的 URL  ⟶  Downloads an Business Case report's URL

      • Display: 创建或更新业务案例  ⟶  Create or Update business case

        Description: 创建新的业务案例或更新现有业务案例  ⟶  Creates a new business case or updates an existing business case

      • Display: 删除业务案例  ⟶  Delete a Business Case

        Description: 删除业务案例  ⟶  Delete a Business Case

  • migrateprojects/MigrateEvents

      Display: 迁移事件  ⟶  Migrate Events


      • Display: 获取迁移事件  ⟶  Get migrate events

        Description: 获取迁移事件的属性。  ⟶  Gets the properties of a migrate events.

      • Display: 删除迁移事件  ⟶  Delete migrate event

        Description: 删除迁移事件  ⟶  Deletes a migrate event

  • projects/groups/assessments/assessedmachines

      Display: 已评估的计算机  ⟶  Assessed Machines


        Display: 获取已评估计算机  ⟶  Get Assessed Machine

        Description: 获取已评估计算机的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an assessed machine

  • assessmentprojects/springBootAssessments/summaries

      Display: springBoot AssessmentSummary  ⟶  springBoot AssessmentSummaries


        Display: 获取 springBoot AssessmentSummary  ⟶  Get springBoot AssessmentSummary

        Description: 获取 springBoot AssessmentSummary 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentSummary

  • projects/machines

      Display: 计算机  ⟶  Machines


        Display: 获取虚拟机  ⟶  Get Machine

        Description: 获取计算机的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a machine

  • assessmentprojects/groups/webappAssessments/webappServicePlans

      Display: WebApp 服务计划  ⟶  WebApp service plan


        Display: 获取 WebApp 服务计划  ⟶  Get WebApp service plan

        Description: 获取 WebApp 服务计划的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of WebApp service plan

  • modernizeProjects/deployedResources

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取已部署的资源  ⟶  Gets the deployed resource

        Description: 获取已部署资源的详细信息  ⟶  Gets the details of the deployed resource

  • migrateprojects/machines

      Display: 计算机  ⟶  Machines


        Display: 获取虚拟机  ⟶  Get Machine

        Description: 获取计算机的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a machine

  • moveCollections/unresolvedDependencies

      Display: 移动集合  ⟶  Move collection


        Display: 获取移动集合中未解析的依赖项的列表  ⟶  Gets a list of unresolved dependencies in the move collection

        Description: 获取移动集合中未解析的依赖项的列表  ⟶  Gets a list of unresolved dependencies in the move collection

  • migrateprojects/VirtualDesktopUsers

      Display: 虚拟桌面用户  ⟶  Virtual Desktop User


        Display: 获取虚拟桌面用户的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a virtual desktop user

        Description: 获取虚拟桌面用户的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a virtual desktop user

  • modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/operations

      Display: 现代化资源  ⟶  Modernization Resource


        Display: 获取工作负载部署操作状态  ⟶  Gets the workload deployment operation status

        Description: 跟踪工作负载部署上的异步操作的结果  ⟶  Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload deployment

  • assessmentprojects/oracleAssessments/summaries

      Display: oracle AssessmentSummary  ⟶  oracle AssessmentSummaries


        Display: 获取 oracle AssessmentSummary  ⟶  Get oracle AssessmentSummary

        Description: 获取 oracle AssessmentSummary 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentSummary

  • migrateprojects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Display: 专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Private Endpoint Connection Proxy


      • Display: 获取专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 获取专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 验证专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 验证专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 创建或更新专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 创建或更新专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

      • Display: 删除专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: 删除专用终结点连接代理  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

  • assessmentprojects/springBootcollectors

      Display: springBoot 收集器  ⟶  springBoot Collectors


      • Display: 获取 springBoot 收集器  ⟶  Get springBoot Collector

        Description: 获取 springBoot 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the springBoot Collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 springBoot 收集器  ⟶  Create or update springBoot Collector

        Description: 创建 springBoot 收集器或更新现有 springBoot 收集器  ⟶  Creates a springBoot Collector or updates an existing springBoot Collector

      • Display: 删除 springBoot 收集器  ⟶  Delete springBoot Collector

        Description: 删除在给定位置提供的 springBoot 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the springBoot Collector which are available in the given location

  • assessmentprojects/servercollectors

      Display: 服务器收集器  ⟶  Server Collector


      • Display: 获取服务器收集器  ⟶  Get Server collector

        Description: 获取服务器收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of Server collector

      • Display: 创建或更新服务器收集器  ⟶  Create or Update Server collector

        Description: 创建新的服务器收集器或更新现有的服务器收集器  ⟶  Creates a new Server collector or updates an existing Server collector

  • migrateprojects/solutions

      Display: 迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Migrate project solution


      • Display: 获取迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Get Migrate project solution

        Description: 获取迁移项目解决方案的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of migrate project solution

      • Display: 创建或更新迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Create or update migrate project solution

        Description: 新建迁移项目解决方案或更新现有迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Creates a new migrate project solution or updates an existing migrate project solution

      • Display: 删除迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Delete migrate project solution

        Description: 删除迁移项目解决方案  ⟶  Deletes a migrate project solution

      • Display: 获取迁移项目解决方案配置  ⟶  Get migrate project solution configuration

        Description: 获取迁移项目解决方案配置  ⟶  Gets the migrate project solution configuration

      • Display: 清理数据  ⟶  Clean up data

        Description: 清理迁移项目解决方案数据  ⟶  Clean up the migrate project solution data

  • assessmentprojects/groups/webappAssessments/assessedwebApps

      Display: 已评估的 WebApps  ⟶  Assessed WebApps


        Display: 获取已评估的 WebApps  ⟶  Get assessed WebApps

        Description: 获取已评估的 WebApps 的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of assessed WebApps

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments/summaries

      Display: SQL 评估摘要  ⟶  Sql Assessment summary


        Display: 获取 SQL 评估摘要  ⟶  Gets Sql assessment summary

        Description: 获取组的 SQL 评估摘要  ⟶  Gets Sql Assessment summary of group

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlInstances

      Display: 已评估的 SQL 实例  ⟶  Assessed SQL instances


        Display: 获取已评估的 SQL 实例  ⟶  Get assessed SQL instances

        Description: 获取已评估的 SQL 实例的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of assessed SQL instances

  • assessmentprojects/assessments

      Display: 评估  ⟶  Assessments


        Display: 列出评估  ⟶  Lists Assessments

        Description: 列出项目内的评估  ⟶  Lists assessments within a project

  • assessmentprojects/groups/sqlAssessments

      Display: SQL 评估  ⟶  SQL Assessments


      • Display: 获取 SQL 评估  ⟶  Get SQL Assessment

        Description: 获取 SQL 评估的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of an SQL assessment

      • Display: 创建或更新 SQL 评估  ⟶  Create or Update SQL Assessment

        Description: 创建新的 SQL 评估或更新现有 SQL 评估  ⟶  Creates a new SQL assessment or updates an existing SQL assessment

      • Display: 删除 SQL 评估  ⟶  Delete SQL Assessment

        Description: 删除 SQL 评估  ⟶  Deletes an SQL assessment

      • Display: 下载 SQL 评估 URL  ⟶  Download an SQL assessment URL

        Description: 下载 SQL 评估报表的 URL  ⟶  Downloads an SQL assessment report's URL

  • migrateprojects/Databases

      Display: 数据库  ⟶  Databases


        Display: 获取数据库  ⟶  Get database

        Description: 获取数据库的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of a database

  • assessmentprojects/importcollectors

      Display: 导入收集器  ⟶  Import Collector


      • Display: 获取导入收集器  ⟶  Get Import collector

        Description: 获取导入收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of Import collector

      • Display: 创建或更新导入收集器  ⟶  Create or Update Import collector

        Description: 创建新的导入收集器或更新现有的导入收集器  ⟶  Creates a new Import collector or updates an existing Import collector

      • Display: 删除导入收集器  ⟶  Delete Import collector

        Description: 删除导入收集器  ⟶  Deletes the Import collector

  • assessmentprojects/businesscases/evaluatedsqlentities

      Display: 已评估的 SQL 实体  ⟶  Evaluated SQL Entities


        Display: 获取已评估的 SQL 实体  ⟶  Get Evaluated SQL entity

        Description: 获取已评估的 SQL 实体的属性  ⟶  Get the properties of an evaluated SQL entities

  • assessmentprojects/sqlAssessmentOptions

      Display: SQL 评估选项  ⟶  SQL Assessment Options


        Display: 列出 SQL 评估选项  ⟶  List SQL Assessment Options

        Description: 获取给定位置中提供的 SQL 评估选项  ⟶  Gets the SQL assessment options which are available in the given location

  • migrateprojects/privateEndpointConnections

      Display: 专用终结点连接  ⟶  Private Endpoint Connection


      • Display: 获取专用终结点连接  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 获取专用终结点连接  ⟶  Get Private Endpoint Connection

      • Display: 更新专用终结点连接  ⟶  Update a Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 更新专用终结点连接  ⟶  Update a Private Endpoint Connection

      • Display: 删除专用终结点连接  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: 删除专用终结点连接  ⟶  Delete a Private Endpoint Connection

  • assessmentprojects/groups/assessmentsSummary

      Display: 组的评估摘要  ⟶  Assessment summary of group


        Display: 组的评估摘要  ⟶  Assessment summary of group

        Description: 组的评估摘要  ⟶  Assessment summary of group

  • assessmentprojects/aksAssessments/clusters


        Display: 获取 clusters  ⟶  Get clusters

        Description: 获取 clusters 的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of the clusters

  • moveCollections

      Display: 移动集合  ⟶  Move collection


      • Display: 获取移动集合  ⟶  Gets the move collection

        Description: 获取移动集合  ⟶  Gets the move collection

      • Display: 创建或更新移动集合  ⟶  Creates or updates a move collection

        Description: 创建或更新移动集合  ⟶  Creates or updates a move collection

      • Display: 删除移动集合  ⟶  Deletes a move collection

        Description: 删除移动集合  ⟶  Deletes a move collection

      • Display: 计算、解析并验证移动集合中移动资源的依赖项  ⟶  Computes, resolves and validate the dependencies of the move resources in the move collection

        Description: 计算、解析并验证移动集合中移动资源的依赖项  ⟶  Computes, resolves and validate the dependencies of the move resources in the move collection

      • Display: 对请求正文中包含的资源集启动准备操作  ⟶  Initiates prepare for the set of resources included in the request body

        Description: 对请求正文中包含的资源集启动准备操作  ⟶  Initiates prepare for the set of resources included in the request body

      • Display: 移动请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Moves the set of resources included in the request body

        Description: 移动请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Moves the set of resources included in the request body

      • Display: 放弃请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Discards the set of resources included in the request body

        Description: 放弃请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Discards the set of resources included in the request body

      • Display: 提交请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Commits the set of resources included in the request body

        Description: 提交请求正文中包含的资源集  ⟶  Commits the set of resources included in the request body

      • Display: 从移动集合中删除请求正文中包含的移动资源集  ⟶  Removes the set of move resources included in the request body from move collection

        Description: 从移动集合中删除请求正文中包含的移动资源集  ⟶  Removes the set of move resources included in the request body from move collection

  • assessmentprojects/sqlcollectors

      Display: SQL 收集器  ⟶  SQL Collector


      • Display: 获取 SQL 收集器  ⟶  Get SQL collector

        Description: 获取 SQL 收集器的属性  ⟶  Gets the properties of SQL collector

      • Display: 创建或更新 SQL 收集器  ⟶  Create or Update SQL collector

        Description: 创建新的 SQL 收集器或更新现有 SQL 收集器  ⟶  Creates a new SQL collector or updates an existing SQL collector

      • Display: 删除 SQL 收集器  ⟶  Delete SQL collector

        Description: 删除 SQL 收集器  ⟶  Deletes the SQL collector