▼ ▲ registrationHubs/machines
Name : registrationHubs/machines
Display : registrationHubs/machines
Operations :
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/read
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_ListByRegistrationHub
Description : Get a list of machines in the provided registration hub.
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/read
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_Get
Description : Get properties of the provided registration hub machine.
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/write
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_CreateOrUpdate
Description : Create a new registration hub machine or update properties of the existing one.
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/delete
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_Delete
Description : Delete the provided registration hub machine.
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/write
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_Update
Description : Patch properties of the provided registration hub machine, or update the tags associated with the registration hub machine. Properties and tag updates can be done independently.
Name : Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/decline/action
Display : RegistrationHubMachines_Decline
Description : Declines a machine that is pending approval during registration. This effectively “dead ends” this machine and is an explicit refusal to let the machine proceed with further provisioning.