

3 new resources


  • workspaces/serverlessEndpoints

      Name: workspaces/serverlessEndpoints

      Display: Machine Learning Service Workspace Serverless Endpoint


      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/read

        Display: Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Description: Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/write

        Display: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Description: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/delete

        Display: Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Description: Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/listKeys/action

        Display: Lists the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Description: Lists the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/regenerateKeys/action

        Display: Regenerates the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Description: Regenerates the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)

        Origin: user,system

  • workspaces/managedstorages/claim

      Name: workspaces/managedstorages/claim

      Display: Machine Learning Service Data Admin


      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/claim/read

        Display: Get my claims on data

        Description: Get my claims on data

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/claim/write

        Display: Update my claims on data

        Description: Update my claims on data

        Origin: user,system

  • workspaces/managedstorages/quota

      Name: workspaces/managedstorages/quota

      Display: Machine Learning Service Data Admin


        Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/quota/read

        Display: Get my data quota usage

        Description: Get my data quota usage

        Origin: user,system