

4 new resources, 2 new operations


  • enterpriseSupports

      Name: enterpriseSupports

      Display: enterpriseSupports


      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Read

        Display: Gets/Lists the Enterprise Support resources

        Description: Reads Enterprise Support resources

        Origin: System

      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Write

        Display: Creates/Updates the Enterprise Support resources

        Description: Writes Enterprise Support resources

      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Delete

        Display: Deletes the Enterprise Support resources

        Description: Deletes Enterprise Support resources

        Origin: User, System

  • services

      Name: services

      Display: EnterpriseSupport Service


      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/read

        Display: Read EnterpriseSupport resource

        Description: Read EnterpriseSupport resources

        Origin: User, System

      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/write

        Display: Write EnterpriseSupport resource

        Description: Writes EnterpriseSupport resources

        Origin: User, System

      • Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/delete

        Display: Delete EnterpriseSupport resource

        Description: Deletes EnterpriseSupport resources

        Origin: User, System

  • Operations

      Name: Operations

      Display: Operations


        Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/Operations/read

        Display: Read resource provider operations

        Description: Read the operations for all resource types.

        Origin: User, System

  • locations/operationresults

      Name: locations/operationresults

      Display: Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/locations/operationresults/read

        Display: Read Operation Result.

        Description: Read the status of an asynchronous operation.

        Origin: User, System

  • Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/register/Action

      Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/register/Action

      Display: Registers the Enterprise Support Resource Provider

      Description: Register the Enterprise Support resource provider and enable creation of resources

      Origin: System

  • Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Action

      Name: Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Action

      Display: Registers the Enterprise Support Resource Provider

      Description: Register the Enterprise Support resource provider and enable creation of resources

      Origin: System