

6 new resources | 3 updated resources | 3 removed resources


  • accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal

      Display: Session - Create


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/action

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Create


        Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal

      Name: accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal

      Display: Session - Create


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/action

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Create


        Creates a session for a client to perform liveness detection with verify.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions

      Display: Session - Delete


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/delete

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Delete


        Deletes a liveness detection session.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/read

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Result


        Reads the state of detectLiveness/singleModal session.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions

      Display: Session - Delete


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/delete

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Delete


        Deletes a liveness detection with verify session.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/read

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Result


        Reads the state of detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal session.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit

      Display: Session - GetResult|Session - Audit


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/audit/read

        Display: Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal - Session Audit Requests


        List audit entries for detectLiveness/singleModal.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit

      Name: accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit

      Display: Session - GetResult|Session - Audit


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/audit/read

        Display: Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Session Audit Requests


        List audit entries for detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal.

        Origin: user


  • accounts/Face


    •  PersonDirectory Person - Create
    • PersonDirectory Person - Create|BiometricStorage Person - Create
  • accounts/Face/persons


      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Update|BiometricStorage Person - Update*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Update

      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Get|PersonDirectory Person - List*|BiometricStorage Person - Get*|BiometricStorage Person - List*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Get|PersonDirectory Person - List

        Description: Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory. List all persons�� information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.* Retrieve a person's name and userData from biometric storage.* List all persons�� information in biometric storage, including personId, name, and userData.*  ⟶  Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory. List all persons�� information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.* Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory.* List all persons�� information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.*

      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Delete|BiometricStorage Person - Delete*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Delete

        Description: Delete an existing person from person directory. The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted. Delete an existing person from biometric storage The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.*  ⟶  Delete an existing person from person directory. The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted. Delete an existing person from person directory The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.*

  • accounts/Face/persons/recognitionmodels/persistedfaces


      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Add Face|PersonDirectory Person - Update Face*|BiometricStorage Person - Add Face*|BiometricStorage Person - Update Face*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Add Face|PersonDirectory Person - Update Face

        Description: Add a face to a person (see PersonDirectory Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing Update a person persisted face's userData field.* Add a face to a person (see BiometricStorage Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing* Update a person persisted face's userData field.*  ⟶  Add a face to a person (see PersonDirectory Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing Update a person persisted face's userData field.* Add a face to a person (see PersonDirectory Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing* Update a person persisted face's userData field.*

      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Get Face|PersonDirectory Person - List Faces*|BiometricStorage Person - Get Face*|BiometricStorage Person - List Faces*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Get Face|PersonDirectory Person - List Faces

      • Display: PersonDirectory Person - Delete Face|BiometricStorage Person - Delete Face*  ⟶  PersonDirectory Person - Delete Face

        Description: Delete a face from a person in person directory by specified personId and persistedFaceId. Delete a face from a person in biometric storage by specified personId and persistedFaceId.*  ⟶  Delete a face from a person in person directory by specified personId and persistedFaceId. Delete a face from a person in person directory by specified personId and persistedFaceId.*


  • accounts/Face/persons/searchscopereferences

      Name: accounts/Face/persons/searchscopereferences

      Display: searchscopereferences*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/searchscopereferences/read

        Display: BiometricStorage Person - List SearchScope References

        Description: List all searchscopes a person has been referenced by in biometric storage.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/searchscopes

      Name: accounts/Face/searchscopes

      Display: searchscopes*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/searchscopes/write

        Display: BiometricStorage SearchScope - Create|BiometricStorage SearchScope - Update*

        Description: Creates a new search scope with specified searchScopeId, name, and user-provided userData. Update an existing search scope name, userData, add, or remove persons. The properties keep unchanged if they are not in request body.*

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/searchscopes/delete

        Display: BiometricStorage SearchScope - Delete

        Description: Deletes an existing search scope with specified searchScopeId. Deleting this search scope only delete the references to persons data. To delete actual person see BiometricStorage Person - Delete.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/searchscopes/read

        Display: BiometricStorage SearchScope - Get|BiometricStorage SearchScope - List*

        Description: Retrieve the information of a search scope, including its name and userData. This API returns search scope information List all existing search scopes by searchScopeId along with name and userData.*

        Origin: user

  • accounts/Face/searchscopes/persons

      Name: accounts/Face/searchscopes/persons

      Display: persons*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/searchscopes/persons/read

        Display: BiometricStorage SearchScope - List Persons

        Description: List all persons in the specified search scope.

        Origin: user