

1 updated resource | 1 removed resource


  • hybridAksClusters

      Display: hybridAksClusters  ⟶  hybridAksClusters/restartNode


      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/read

        Display: HybridAksClusters_ListBySubscription

        Description: Get a list of additional details related to Hybrid AKS provisioned clusters in the provided subscription.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/read

        Display: HybridAksClusters_ListByResourceGroup

        Description: Get a list of additional details for Hybrid AKS provisioned clusters in the provided resource group.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/read

        Display: HybridAksClusters_Get

        Description: Get the additional details related to the provided Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/write

        Display: HybridAksClusters_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: Create new additional details related to the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster or update the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/delete

        Display: HybridAksClusters_Delete

        Description: Delete the additional details related to the provided Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/hybridAksClusters/write

        Display: HybridAksClusters_Update

        Description: Update tags associated with the additional details related to the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster.


  • defaultCniNetworks

      Name: defaultCniNetworks

      Display: defaultCniNetworks


      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/read

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_ListBySubscription

        Description: Get a list of default CNI networks in the provided subscription.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/read

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_ListByResourceGroup

        Description: Get a list of default CNI networks in the provided resource group.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/read

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_Get

        Description: Get properties of the provided default CNI network.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/write

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: Create a new default CNI network or update the properties of the existing default CNI network.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/delete

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_Delete

        Description: Delete the provided default CNI network.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/defaultCniNetworks/write

        Display: DefaultCniNetworks_Update

        Description: Update tags associated with the provided default CNI network.