

6 new resources | 6 removed resources


  • mongoClusters

      Name: mongoClusters

      Display: Mongo Cluster


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/read

        Display: Read Mongo Clusters

        Description: Reads a Mongo Cluster or list all Mongo Clusters.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/write

        Display: Create or Update Mongo Cluster

        Description: Create or Update the properties or tags of the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/delete

        Display: Deletes a Mongo Cluster

        Description: Deletes the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action

        Display: Approve Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Manage a private endpoint connection of Mongo Cluster

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/listConnectionStrings/action

        Display: List Mongo Cluster Connection Strings

        Description: List connection strings for a given Mongo Cluster

  • mongoClusters/firewallRules

      Name: mongoClusters/firewallRules

      Display: Mongo Cluster Firewall Rule


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/firewallRules/read

        Display: Read Mongo Cluster Firewall Rules

        Description: Reads a firewall rule or lists all firewall rules for the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/firewallRules/write

        Display: Create/Update Mongo Cluster Firewall Rule

        Description: Create or Update a firewall rule on a specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/firewallRules/delete

        Display: Delete Mongo Cluster Firewall Rule

        Description: Deletes an existing firewall rule for the specified Mongo Cluster.

  • mongoClusters/users

      Name: mongoClusters/users

      Display: Mongo Cluster Users


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/users/read

        Display: Read Mongo Cluster Users

        Description: Reads a user or lists all users for the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/users/write

        Display: Create/Update Mongo Cluster User

        Description: Create or Update a user on a specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/users/delete

        Display: Delete Mongo Cluster User

        Description: Deletes an existing user for the specified Mongo Cluster.

  • mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Name: mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Display: Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection Proxies


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read

        Display: Read Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Reads a private endpoint connection proxy for the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write

        Display: Create/Update Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Create or Update a private endpoint connection proxy on a specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete

        Display: Delete Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy for the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action

        Display: Validate Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Validates private endpoint connection proxy for the specified Mongo Cluster.

  • mongoClusters/privateLinkResources

      Name: mongoClusters/privateLinkResources

      Display: Mongo Cluster Private Link Resources


        Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateLinkResources/read

        Display: Read Private Link Resources

        Description: Reads a private link resource or lists all private link resource for the specified Mongo Cluster.

  • mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnections

      Name: mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnections

      Display: Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connections


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnections/read

        Display: Read Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Reads a private endpoint connection or lists all private endpoint connection for the specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnections/write

        Display: Create/Update Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Create or Update a private endpoint connection on a specified Mongo Cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/mongoClusters/privateEndpointConnections/delete

        Display: Delete Mongo Cluster Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Deletes an existing private endpoint connection for the specified Mongo Cluster.


  • databaseAccounts/graphs

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs

      Display: Graph


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/write

        Display: Write Graph

        Description: Create a Graph.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/read

        Display: Read graph(s)

        Description: Read a Graph or list all the graphs.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/delete

        Display: Delete Graph

        Description: Delete a Graph.

  • databaseAccounts/graphs/operationResults

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs/operationResults

      Display: Graph


        Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/operationResults/read

        Display: Read operation results

        Description: Read status of the asynchronous operation.

  • databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings

      Display: Graph throughput setting


      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/write

        Display: Write Graph throughput

        Description: Update a Graph throughput.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/read

        Display: Read Graph throughput

        Description: Read a Graph throughput.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/action

        Display: Migrate Graph offer to autoscale

        Description: Migrate Graph offer to autoscale.

      • Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/action

        Display: Migrate a Graph throughput offer to manual throughput

        Description: Migrate a Graph throughput offer to manual throughput.

  • databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/operationResults

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/operationResults

      Display: Graph throughput setting


        Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/operationResults/read

        Display: Read operation results

        Description: Read status of the asynchronous operation.

  • databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults

      Display: Graph throughput setting


        Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults/read

        Display: Read operation results

        Description: Read status of the asynchronous operation.

  • databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults

      Name: databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults

      Display: Graph throughput setting


        Name: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults/read

        Display: Read operation results

        Description: Read status of the asynchronous operation.