

3 updated resources


  • storageAppliances


    •  Get a list of storage appliances in the provided subscription.
    •  Get a list of storage appliances in the provided resource group.
    •  Get properties of the provided storage appliance.
    •  Create a new storage appliance or update the properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    •  Delete the provided storage appliance. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    •  Update properties of the provided storage appliance, or update tags associated with the storage appliance Properties and tag updates can be done independently.
    •  Disable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance.
    •  Enable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance.
    • Get a list of storage appliances in the provided subscription. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get a list of storage appliances in the provided resource group. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get properties of the provided storage appliance. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Create a new storage appliance or update the properties of the existing one. The API returns 200 OK in case of the successful creation or update. 201 Created is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    • Delete the provided storage appliance. The API returns 200 OK when the deletion is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Patch properties of the provided bare metal machine, or update tags associated with the bare metal machine. Properties and tag updates can be done independently. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Disable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Enable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
  • l2Networks


    •  Get a list of layer 2 (L2) networks in the provided subscription.
    •  Get a list of layer 2 (L2) networks in the provided resource group.
    •  Get properties of the provided layer 2 (L2) network.
    •  Create a new layer 2 (L2) network or update the properties of the existing network.
    •  Delete the provided layer 2 (L2) network.
    •  Update tags associated with the provided layer 2 (L2) network.
    • Get a list of layer 2 (L2) networks in the provided subscription. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get a list of layer 2 (L2) networks in the provided resource group. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get properties of the provided layer 2 (L2) network. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Create a new layer 2 (L2) network or update the properties of the existing L2 network. The API returns 200 OK in case of the successful creation or update. 201 Created is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Delete the provided L2 network. The API returns 200 OK when the deletion is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Update tags associated with the provided layer 2 (L2) network. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
  • clusters/metricsConfigurations


    •  Create new or update the existing metrics configuration of the provided cluster.
    • Update the metrics configuration of the provided cluster.