

10 new resources | 3 updated resources


  • accounts/ContentSafety/text

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/text

      Display: text*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists:removeblockitems/action

        Display: Remove BlockItems From Text Blocklist

        Description: Remove blockItems from a text blocklist. You can remove at most 100 BlockItems in one request.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists:addblockitems

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists:addblockitems

      Display: blocklists:addblockitems*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists:addblockitems/write

        Display: Add BlockItems To Text Blocklist

        Description: Add blockItems to a text blocklist. You can add at most 100 BlockItems in one request.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/projects

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/projects

      Display: projects*


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects/write

        Display: Create or update a project.

        Description: Update a project if project does exist, create a new project if not. Note that modality cannot be updated.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects/delete

        Display: Delete a project by project name.

        Description: Delete a project by name.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects/read

        Display: Get project detailed information by project name.|List projects.*

        Description: Returns project details. List projects.*

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/projects/deployhistory

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/projects/deployhistory

      Display: deployhistory*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects/deployhistory/read

        Display: List deployment history of a project.

        Description: List deployment history of a project.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/rejectcounts

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/rejectcounts

      Display: rejectcounts*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/rejectcounts/read

        Display: List API reject counts at different timestamps given a time range.

        Description: List API reject counts at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/categories/severities/requestcounts

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/categories/severities/requestcounts

      Display: requestcounts*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/categories/severities/requestcounts/read

        Display: List API request count at different timestamps of a specific category and a specific severity given a time range

        Description: List API request count at different timestamps of a specific category and a specific severity given a time range

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestcounts

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestcounts

      Display: requestcounts*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestcounts/read

        Display: List API request counts at different timestamps given a time range.

        Description: List API request counts at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestlatencies

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestlatencies

      Display: requestlatencies*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestlatencies/read

        Display: List API request latencies at different timestamps given a time range.

        Description: List API request latencies at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisttopterms

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisttopterms

      Display: blocklisttopterms*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisttopterms/read

        Display: List top terms hit in blocklist at different timestamps.

        Description: List top terms hit in blocklist at different timestamps.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisthitcalls

      Name: accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisthitcalls

      Display: blocklisthitcalls*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklisthitcalls/read

        Display: Show blocklist hit request count at different timestamps.

        Description: Show blocklist hit request count at different timestamps.

        Origin: user


  • accounts/ContentSafety


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects:analyze/action

        Display: Analyze content by project when the project is deployed with a policy.

        Description: Analyze content by project when the project is deployed with a policy.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/projects:deploy/action

        Display: Deploy policy for a project.

        Description: A sync API to deploy policy for a project.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/write

        Display: Create Or Update Text Blocklist

        Description: Updates a text blocklist, if blocklistName does not exist, create a new blocklist.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/read

        Display: Get All Text Blocklists|Get Text Blocklist By blocklistName*

        Description: Get all text blocklists details. Returns text blocklist details.*

        Origin: user

  • accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/blockitems


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/blockitems/read

        Display: Get All BlockItems By blocklistName|Get BlockItem By blocklistName And blockItemId*

        Description: Get all blockItems in a text blocklist Get blockItem By blockItemId from a text blocklist.*

        Origin: user