

2 new resources | 2 removed resources


  • workspaces/hubs

      Name: workspaces/hubs

      Display: Machine Learning Service Hub Workspace


      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/read

        Display: Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Description: Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/write

        Display: Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Description: Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/delete

        Display: Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Description: Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)

        Origin: user,system

  • workspaces/featurestores

      Name: workspaces/featurestores

      Display: Machine Learning Service FeatureStore


      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/read

        Display: Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/write

        Display: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/delete

        Display: Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system


  • featurestores

      Name: featurestores

      Display: Machine Learning Service FeatureStore


      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/featurestores/read

        Display: Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/featurestores/write

        Display: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system

      • Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/featurestores/delete

        Display: Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Description: Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)

        Origin: user,system

  • featurestores/checkNameAvailability

      Name: featurestores/checkNameAvailability

      Display: Machine Learning Service FeatureStore


        Name: Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/featurestores/checkNameAvailability/read

        Display: Checks the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore name availability

        Description: Checks the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore name availability

        Origin: user,system