

5 updated resources, 1 updated operation


  • locations/operationStatuses


    •  Get Operation Statuses
    •  Read the operation statuses. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    •  Set Operation Statuses
    •  Create or update the operation statuses. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    • read_operationStatuses
    • read operationStatuses
    • write_operationStatuses
    • write operationStatuses
  • Operations


    •  List all available operations
    •  List all available operations of Microsoft.CognitiveSearch provider. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    • read_Operations
    • read Operations
  • indexes


    •  Get Cognitive Search Index
    •  Read the cognitive search serverless index. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    •  Create or Update Cognitive Search Index
    •  Create or update the cognitive search serverless index. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    •  Delete Cognitive Search Index
    •  Delete the cognitive search serverless index. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    • IndexOperations_ListBySubscription
    • List Index resources by subscription ID
    • IndexOperations_CreateOrUpdate
    • Create a Index
    • IndexOperations_Delete
    • Delete a search index
  • indexes/schema


    •  Get Cognitive Search Index Schema
    •  Read the cognitive search serverless index schema. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    •  Create or Update Cognitive Search Index Schema
    •  Create, update or delete the cognitive search serverless index schema. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    • IndexSchemaOperations_Read
    • Read Index schema
    • IndexSchemaOperations_CreateOrUpdate
    • Create or edit Index schema
  • indexes/documents


    •  Get Documents
    •  Read documents from the cognitive search serverless index. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    •  Create or Update Documents
    •  Upload documents or modify existing documents in the cognitive search serverless index. This operation is in preview and subject to change.
    • IndexDocumentOperations_Read
    • Read Index documents
    • IndexDocumentOperations_CreateOrUpdate
    • Create or edit Index dpcuments
  • Microsoft.CognitiveSearch/register/action

      Description: Register the subscription for Microsoft.CognitiveSearch  ⟶  Register the subscription for Microsoft.CognitiveSearch.