

2 updated resources | 16 removed resources, 4 removed operations


  • checkConsent

      Name: checknameavailability  ⟶  checkConsent

      Display: Check Name Availability  ⟶  Consent


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/checknameavailability/read  ⟶  Microsoft.Purview/checkConsent/read

        Display: Check if name of purview account is available  ⟶  Check the Consent

        Description: Check if name of purview account resource is available for Microsoft Purview provider.  ⟶  Resolve the scope the Consent is granted.

  • consents

      Name: getDefaultAccount  ⟶  consents

      Display: Tenant  ⟶  Consent


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/getDefaultAccount/read  ⟶  Microsoft.Purview/consents/read

        Display: Get Default Account  ⟶  Read Consent Resource

        Description: Gets the default account for the scope.  ⟶  Read Consent Resource.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.Purview/consents/write

          Display: Create or Update Consent Resource

          Description: Create or Update a Consent Resource.

      • Old_value:


          Name: Microsoft.Purview/consents/delete

          Display: Delete Consent Resource

          Description: Delete the Consent Resource.


  • accounts

      Name: accounts

      Display: Account


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/read

        Display: Read account resource

        Description: Read account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/write

        Display: Write account resource

        Description: Write account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/delete

        Display: Delete account resource

        Description: Delete account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/listkeys/action

        Display: List keys on the account resource

        Description: List keys on the account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/addrootcollectionadmin/action

        Display: Add root collection admin to account resource

        Description: Add root collection admin to account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/move/action

        Display: Move account resource

        Description: Move account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action

        Display: Approve Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Approve Private Endpoint Connection.

  • accounts/operationresults

      Name: accounts/operationresults

      Display: Account


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/operationresults/read

        Display: Read the operation status on the account resource

        Description: Read the operation status on the account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.

  • locations/operationResults

      Name: locations/operationResults

      Display: Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/locations/operationResults/read

        Display: Operation result by location

        Description: Monitor async operations.

  • accounts/privatelinkresources

      Name: accounts/privatelinkresources

      Display: Private Link Resources


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privatelinkresources/read

        Display: Read Link Resources

        Description: Read Account Link Resources.

  • accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Name: accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies

      Display: Private Endpoint Connection Proxy


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read

        Display: Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Read Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write

        Display: Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Write Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete

        Display: Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Delete Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action

        Display: Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Validate Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.

  • accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults

      Name: accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults

      Display: Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Operation Result


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read

        Display: Operation result by Private Endpoint Connection Proxy

        Description: Monitor Private Endpoint Connection Proxy async operations.

  • accounts/privateEndpointConnections

      Name: accounts/privateEndpointConnections

      Display: Private Endpoint Connection


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read

        Display: Read Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Read Private Endpoint Connection.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write

        Display: Create or update Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Create or update Private Endpoint Connection.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete

        Display: Delete Private Endpoint Connection

        Description: Delete Private Endpoint Connection.

  • accounts/data

      Name: accounts/data

      Display: Data Plane


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/data/read

        Display: Deprecated

        Description: Permission is deprecated.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/data/write

        Display: Deprecated

        Description: Permission is deprecated.

  • accounts/scan

      Name: accounts/scan

      Display: Data Scan


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/scan/read

        Display: Deprecated

        Description: Permission is deprecated.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/scan/write

        Display: Deprecated

        Description: Permission is deprecated.

  • policyElements

      Name: policyElements

      Display: Policy element


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/read

        Display: Read Policy Element

        Description: Read Policy Element.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/write

        Display: Create or update Policy Element

        Description: Create or update Policy Element.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/delete

        Display: Delete Policy Element

        Description: Delete Policy Element.

  • purviewAccountBindings

      Name: purviewAccountBindings

      Display: Account binding


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/read

        Display: Read Account Binding

        Description: Read Account Binding.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/write

        Display: Create or update Account Binding

        Description: Create or update Account Binding.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/delete

        Display: Delete Account Binding

        Description: Delete Account Binding.

  • attributeBlobs

      Name: attributeBlobs

      Display: Attribute Blob


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/attributeBlobs/read

        Display: Read Attribute Blob

        Description: Read Attribute Blob.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/attributeBlobs/write

        Display: Write Attribute Blob

        Description: Write Attribute Blob.

  • accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions

      Name: accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions

      Display: Metric definitions


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read

        Display: Read metric definitions

        Description: Gets the available metrics for the catalog.

        Origin: system




            • Name: ScanBillingUnits

              Displayname: Scan Billing Units

              Displaydescription: Indicates the scan billing units.

              Unit: Count

              Aggregationtype: Total

              Supportedaggregationtypes: Total


            • PT1M
            • PT15M
            • PT1H
            • P1D
            • Internalmetricname: ScanBillingUnits

              Enableregionalmdmaccount: true

              Sourcemdmnamespace: CatalogAnalytics


                Name: ResourceId

                Displayname: ResourceId

                Tobeexportedforcustomer: Yes

            • Name: ScanCancelled

              Displayname: Scan Cancelled

              Displaydescription: Indicates the number of scans cancelled.

              Unit: Count

              Aggregationtype: Total


            • Total
            • Count
            • Supportedtimegraintypes:

            • PT1M
            • PT15M
            • PT1H
            • P1D
            • Internalmetricname: ScanCancelled

              Enableregionalmdmaccount: true

              Sourcemdmnamespace: CatalogAnalytics


                Name: ResourceId

                Displayname: ResourceId

                Tobeexportedforcustomer: Yes

            • Name: ScanCompleted

              Displayname: Scan Completed

              Displaydescription: Indicates the number of scans completed successfully.

              Unit: Count

              Aggregationtype: Total


            • Total
            • Count
            • Supportedtimegraintypes:

            • PT1M
            • PT15M
            • PT1H
            • P1D
            • Internalmetricname: ScanCompleted

              Enableregionalmdmaccount: true

              Sourcemdmnamespace: CatalogAnalytics


                Name: ResourceId

                Displayname: ResourceId

                Tobeexportedforcustomer: Yes

            • Name: ScanFailed

              Displayname: Scan Failed

              Displaydescription: Indicates the number of scans failed.

              Unit: Count

              Aggregationtype: Total


            • Total
            • Count
            • Supportedtimegraintypes:

            • PT1M
            • PT15M
            • PT1H
            • P1D
            • Internalmetricname: ScanFailed

              Enableregionalmdmaccount: true

              Sourcemdmnamespace: CatalogAnalytics


                Name: ResourceId

                Displayname: ResourceId

                Tobeexportedforcustomer: Yes

            • Name: ScanTimeTaken

              Displayname: Scan time taken

              Displaydescription: Indicates the total scan time in seconds.

              Unit: Seconds

              Aggregationtype: Total


            • Minimum
            • Maximum
            • Total
            • Average
            • Supportedtimegraintypes:

            • PT1M
            • PT15M
            • PT1H
            • P1D
            • Internalmetricname: ScanTimeTaken

              Enableregionalmdmaccount: true

              Sourcemdmnamespace: CatalogAnalytics


                Name: ResourceId

                Displayname: ResourceId

                Tobeexportedforcustomer: Yes

  • accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions

      Name: accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions

      Display: Log definitions


        Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read

        Display: Read log definitions

        Description: Gets the available logs for the catalog.

        Origin: system




            • Name: CollectionCrudLogEvent

              Displayname: CollectionCrud

              Blobduration: PT1H

            • Name: ScanStatusLogEvent

              Displayname: ScanStatus

              Blobduration: PT1H

  • accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Name: accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

      Display: Diagnostic settings


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read

        Display: Read diagnostic setting

        Description: Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.

        Origin: system

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write

        Display: Write diagnostic setting

        Description: Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.

        Origin: system

  • accounts/kafkaConfigurations

      Name: accounts/kafkaConfigurations

      Display: Kafka Configurations


      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/read

        Display: Read Kafka Configurations

        Description: Read Kafka Configurations.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/write

        Display: Create or update Kafka Configurations

        Description: Create or update Kafka Configurations.

      • Name: Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/delete

        Display: Delete Kafka Configurations

        Description: Delete Kafka Configurations.

  • Microsoft.Purview/register/action

      Name: Microsoft.Purview/register/action

      Display: Register the Microsoft Purview provider

      Description: Register the subscription for Microsoft Purview provider.

  • Microsoft.Purview/unregister/action

      Name: Microsoft.Purview/unregister/action

      Display: Unregister the Microsoft Purview provider

      Description: Unregister the subscription for Microsoft Purview provider.

  • Microsoft.Purview/setDefaultAccount/action

      Name: Microsoft.Purview/setDefaultAccount/action

      Display: Set Default Account

      Description: Sets the default account for the scope.

  • Microsoft.Purview/removeDefaultAccount/action

      Name: Microsoft.Purview/removeDefaultAccount/action

      Display: Removes Default Account

      Description: Removes the default account for the scope.