

2 new resources | 8 updated resources | 7 removed resources


  • accounts/OpenAI/deployments/plugins/chat

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/deployments/plugins/chat

      Display: Deployments


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/plugins/chat/completions/action

        Display: Creates a completion for the chat message with plugins

        Description: Creates a completion for the chat message with plugins

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/images

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/images

      Display: Images


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/images/generations/action

        Display: Create image generations

        Description: Create image generations.

        Origin: user


  • accounts/OpenAI/engines

      Display: engines  ⟶  Engines


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/generate/action

        Display: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant. If you'd like to stream results from th

        Description: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/deployments

      Display: deployments  ⟶  Deployments


    •  Delete deployments
    •  Delete deployment.
    •  Reading deployment metadata
    •  Create or update deployments
    •  Create or update deployments.
    •  Create embeddings
    • Deployments_Delete
    • Deletes a deployment.
    • Deployments_Get
    • Deployments_Update
    • Updates deployments.
    • Deployments_Embed
  • accounts/OpenAI/files

      Display: files  ⟶  Files


    •  Delete files
    •  Delete files.
    •  Read file metadata
    • Files_Delete
    • Deletes files.
    • Files_List
  • accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes

      Display: fine-tunes  ⟶  Fine-tunes


    •  Delete Fine-tunes
    •  Delete the adaptation of a model.
    •  Read fine-tune metadata
    • FineTunes_Delete
    • Deletes a fine-tuned model.
    • FineTunes_List
  • accounts/OpenAI/models

      Display: models  ⟶  Models


    •  Read model metadata
    •  Gets information about models
    • Models_List
    • Gets information about fine-tuned models
  • accounts/OpenAI/openapi

      Display: Get OpenAI Info  ⟶  Get OpenAPI (swagger) Info

  • accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions

      Display: Create a completion from a chosen model  ⟶  Stream generated text from the model via GET request


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/write  ⟶  Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/browser_stream/action

        Display: Create a completion from a chosen model  ⟶  Stream generated text from the model via GET request

        Description: Create a completion from a chosen model  ⟶  (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant.

  • accounts/OpenAI/deployments/chat

      Display: deployments  ⟶  Deployments


  • accounts/OpenAI

      Name: accounts/OpenAI

      Display: OpenAI


      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/action

        Display: Deployments_Create

        Description: Creates a deployment owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/files/action

        Display: Files_Upload

        Description: Creates a file owned by the Azure OpenAI resource by uploading data.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/action

        Display: FineTunes_Create

        Description: Creates a fine-tuned model.

        Origin: user

      • Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/text-to-image/action

        Display: Generates an image from a text caption

        Description: Generates an image from a text caption

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/files/content

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/files/content

      Display: content


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/files/content/read

        Display: Files_GetFileContent

        Description: Gets the content of the specified file.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/events

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/events

      Display: events


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/events/read

        Display: FineTunes_GetEvents

        Description: Gets event information for a fine-tuning model adaptation.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/engines/generate

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/engines/generate

      Display: Stream generated text from the model via GET request.


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/generate/read

        Display: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant. If you'd like to stream results from th

        Description: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/browser_stream

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/browser_stream

      Display: Stream generated text from the model via GET request


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/browser_stream/read

        Display: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant. If you'd like to stream results from th

        Description: (Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant.

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/deployments/completions

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/deployments/completions

      Display: Create a completion from a chosen model


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/completions/write

        Display: Create a completion from a chosen model

        Description: Create a completion from a chosen model

        Origin: user

  • accounts/OpenAI/text-to-image/operations

      Name: accounts/OpenAI/text-to-image/operations

      Display: operations*


        Name: Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/text-to-image/operations/read

        Display: Returns the status of the text-to-image operation

        Description: Returns the status of the text-to-image operation

        Origin: user