

1 new resource | 3 updated resources


  • kubernetesClusters/agentPools

      Name: kubernetesClusters/agentPools

      Display: kubernetesClusters/agentPools


      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/read

        Display: agentPools_ListByKubernetesCluster

        Description: Get a list of agent pools for the provided Kubernetes cluster.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/read

        Display: AgentPools_Get

        Description: Get properties of the provided Kubernetes cluster agent pool.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/write

        Display: AgentPools_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: Create a new Kubernetes cluster agent pool or update the properties of the existing one.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/delete

        Display: AgentPools_Delete

        Description: Delete the provided Kubernetes cluster agent pool.

      • Name: Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/write

        Display: AgentPools_Update

        Description: Patch the properties of the provided Kubernetes cluster agent pool, or update the tags associated with the Kubernetes cluster agent pool. Properties and tag updates can be done independently.


  • bareMetalMachines


    •  Get a list of bare metal machines in the provided subscription.
    •  Get a list of bare metal machines in the provided resource group.
    •  Get properties of the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Create a new bare metal machine or update the properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    •  Delete the provided bare metal machine. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    •  Patch properties of the provided bare metal machine, or update tags associated with the bare metal machine. Properties and tag updates can be done independently.
    •  Cordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node.
    •  Power off the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Reimage the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Replace the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Restart the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Run the command or the script on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.
    •  Run one or more data extractions on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.
    •  Run one or more read-only commands on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.
    •  Start the provided bare metal machine.
    •  Uncordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node.
    •  Validate the hardware of the provided bare metal machine.
    • Get a list of bare metal machines in the provided subscription. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get a list of bare metal machines in the provided resource group. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Get properties of the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
    • Create a new bare metal machine or update the properties of the existing one. The API returns 200 OK in case of the successful creation or update. 201 Created is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
    • Delete the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 200 OK when the deletion is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Patch properties of the provided bare metal machine, or update tags associated with the bare metal machine. Properties and tag updates can be done independently. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Cordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed.
    • Power off the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Reimage the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Replace the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Restart the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Run the command or the script on the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.
    • Run one or more data extractions on the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Run one or more read-only commands on the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Start the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
    • Uncordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed.
    • Validate the hardware of the provided bare metal machine. The API returns 202 Accepted as the operation is performed asynchronously.
  • clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets


    •  bareMetalMachineKeySets_ListByCluster
    •  Get a list of bare metal machine key sets for the provided cluster.
    • BareMetalMachineKeySets_ListByResourceGroup
    • Get a list of bare metal machine key sets of the cluster in the provided resource group.
  • virtualMachines/consoles


    •  consoles_ListByVirtualMachine
    •  Get a list of consoles for the provided virtual machine.
    • Consoles_ListByResourceGroup
    • Get a list of virtual machine consoles in the provided resource group.