

2 updated resources


  • rackSkus

      Operations :

    •  Get a list of rack SKUs in the provided subscription.
    •  Get the properties of the provided rack SKU.
    • Get a list of rack SKUs in the provided subscription. The API returns 200 OK when the API is successful.
    • Get the properties of the provided rack SKU. The API returns 200 OK when the operation is successful.
  • clusters/metricsConfigurations

      Operations :

    •  metricsConfigurations_ListByCluster
    •  Get a list of metrics configurations for the provided cluster.
    •  MetricsConfigurations_Get
    •  Get metrics configuration of the provided cluster.
    • MetricsConfigurations_ListBySubscription
    • Get a list of metrics configurations of the cluster in the provided subscription.
    • MetricsConfigurations_ListByResourceGroup
    • Get a list of metrics configurations of the clusters in the provided resource group.