- BareMetalMachineKeySets_Get
- Get bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster.
- Create a new bare metal machine key set or update the existing one for the provided cluster.
- Delete the bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster.
- Patch properties of bare metal machine key set for the provided cluster, or update the tags associated with it. Properties and tag updates can be done independently.
- BareMetalMachineKeySets_ListBySubscription
- Get a list of bare metal machine key sets of the cluster in the provided subscription.
- Create a new bare metal machine key set or update the existing one for the provided cluster. The API returns 200 OK in case of the successful update. 201 Created is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
- Delete the bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster. The API returns 200 OK when the deletion is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.
- Patch properties of bare metal machine key set for the provided cluster, or update the tags associated with it. Properties and tag updates can be done independently. The API returns 200 OK when the update is successful. 202 Accepted is returned when the operation is performed asynchronously.