

5 updated resources


  • catalogs/products


    •  Get a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.
    •  Create a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.
    •  Delete a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name'
    •  Counts devices in product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.
    •  Generates default device groups for the product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.
    • Get a Product
    • Create a Product
    • Delete a Product
    • Counts devices in product.
    • Generates default device groups for the product.
  • catalogs/products/deviceGroups


    •  List DeviceGroup resources by Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.
    •  Get a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Create a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Delete a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Bulk claims the devices. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names when bulk claiming devices to a catalog only.
    •  Counts devices in device group. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    • List DeviceGroup resources by Product
    • Get a DeviceGroup
    • Create a DeviceGroup
    • Delete a DeviceGroup
    • Bulk claims the devices.
    • Counts devices in device group.
  • catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices


    •  List Device resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Get a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names when a device does not belong to a device group and product.
    •  Create a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to claim a device to the catalog only.
    •  Update a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to move a device to the catalog level.
    •  Generates the capability image for the device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to generate the image for a device that does not belong to a specific device group and product.
    • List Device resources by DeviceGroup
    • Get a Device
    • Create a Device
    • Update a Device
    • Generates the capability image for the device.
  • catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments


    •  List Deployment resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Get a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Create a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    •  Delete a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.
    • List Deployment resources by DeviceGroup
    • Get a Deployment
    • Create a Deployment
    • Delete a Deployment
  • catalogs


        Name: Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeployments/action

        Display: Catalogs_ListDeployments

        Description: Lists deployments for catalog.