

1 new resource


  • internalConnections

      Name: internalConnections

      Display: internalConnections


      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/read

        Display: InternalConnections_ListBySubscription

        Description: Lists all of the internal connections in the specified subscription.

      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/read

        Display: InternalConnections_ListByResourceGroup

        Description: Lists all of the internal connections in the specified resource group.

      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/read

        Display: InternalConnections_Get

        Description: Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of an internal connection.

      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/write

        Display: InternalConnections_CreateOrUpdate

        Description: The operation to create or update an internal connection.

      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/delete

        Display: InternalConnections_Delete

        Description: The operation to delete an internal connection.

      • Name: Microsoft.Mission/internalConnections/write

        Display: InternalConnections_Update

        Description: The operation to update an internal connection.